Contract of the Soul

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Icon ERADICATION.gif Eradication | Icon VERDANT.gif Verdant | Icon ASCENDANT.gif Ascendant | Icon PHANTASM.gif Phantasm | Icon NETHER.gif Nether | Icon PLAIN.gif Plain

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By signing a pact with Satan, you have gained his favour through selling your soul. He will send forth cohorts of Devils under the commandment of devil prince to aid you. Entire cohort will take part in defensive battles, and in counters, ensuring your victory. But be warned! These devils will not leave your army and they need to be fed every day with massive human and geld sacrifice. They will only go back to hell when there's no man left in your country, or when they become bored. After that, you cannot sign another pact before you fulfill current contract.

Magic Specialty: Icon NETHER.gif
Rank: Ultimate
Type: Enchantment SelfOnly NoCancel NoDispell RequirePop Contract
Cast Turn: 10
Cast M.P.: 1,000,000
Research Cost: 30,000
Upkeep: 6,666 people
Related Unit: None


  • Contract of the Soul is an enchantment that for its upkeep eats a big lot of population every turn you take.
  • It makes Devils appear in your battles for max. 25 hours (if you would not spend turns), or as long as you manage to upkeep the enchantment.
  • On defense and in counters, Devils show up in such numbers that they almost always stack wipe the top stack of the enemy.
  • Spending turns under this enchantment makes you lose your pop in a hurry, and when that happens the devils leave. You will lose geld too.
  • At that moment a special hero the Devil Prince appears, who stays in your kingdom for 3 days of turns, and who prevents you from taking geld, items and population home by pillaging. This makes recovery after Contract of the Soul difficult.
  • You can devil every 72 hours (provided you spend enough turns to lose the hero devil prince in that time).

For hours of entertainment try our new flavor, Fun With Devils at Low Levels. Sit land fat on about 4 million power and contract. Come back in 24 hours for a great laugh.

Also see: DOLZero's Devil Guide