Mind Ripper

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Mind Rippers are six feet tall humanoids with an octopus head. There are four tentacles around their mouths. They have four reddis h fingers on each of their hands, and hideous mauve skin. They feed on the brains of creatures. In addition, they possess great arcane power. Their favorite attack type is the psychic Mind Blast, which does direct damage to others' minds. When forced into melee, they can attack with their four tentacles and attempt to suck the brains out of their opponents. They are also known to possess many different kinds of psychic powers.

Magic Speciality: Phantasm

Spell Resistance:

   * Ascendant: 0%
   * Verdant: 75%
   * Eradication: 75%
   * Nether: 75%
   * Phantasm: 30% 

Race: Mindripper Attribute: Summon, Undisbandable Power Rank: 1154 Attack Power: 4,000 Attack Type: Magic Ranged Attack Resistance: -

   * Missile: 75% 	
   * Fire: 50%
   * Poison: 20%
   * Breath: 50%
   * Magic: 75%
   * Melee: 75%
   * Ranged: 75%
   * Lightning: 20%
   * Cold: 30%
   * Paralyse: 50%
   * Psychic: 90%
   * Holy: 50% 

Attack Initiative: 3 Counter Attack: 2000 Extra Attack Power: 8,000 Extra Attack Type: Ranged Psychic Extra Attack Initiative: 3 Hitpoints: 5,000 Recruit Costs: - Upkeep Costs: 3 Pop, 2.5 MP Unit Abilities: Related spell: Summon Mind Ripper Related item: -