Treasure Chest

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Unique Items | Lesser Items

The treasure chest is crafted of sturdy, dark wood and a strong lock. It may reward its finder with treasure, or the finder may end up with just an empty chest.

Item Details
Name Treasure Chest
Attribute Lesser Oneuse Selfonly
Charge turn 0


User gets you either nothing, 300,000 geld, 3 lesser items, or a unique.

May 2008 : On 5 tries, i got :
2x 300,000 geld
2x 3 lesser items
1x Nothing

Data on this page needs confirmation

More tests are needed for statistics

Sept 2008: Unique items i got from Treasure Chest

  1. 1 Book of Geology
  2. 1 The Dead Sea Scroll
  3. 1 Love Potion #9
  4. 1 Efreeti Bottle

5, Ancient Tome

July 2010: On 61 tries, i got :

  1. 22x 500,000 geld
  2. 14x 5 lesser items
  3. 22x Destroyed
  4. 1x Love Potion
  5. 1x Efreeti Bottle

March 2012 (ongoing)

  1. 7x Nothing
  2. 4x 500,000 geld
  3. 8x 5 lesser items
  4. 1x Lipstick of Enslavement

October 2012 (Ongoing)

  1. 15x Nothing (34.1%)
  2. 15x $500,000 geld (34.1%)
  3. 13x 5 lesser items (29.5%)
  4. 1x Dead Sea Scroll (2.2%)

Next hypothesis: save up 50-100 of them and use all at once

  • There is a % chance that a unique item will be activated per minute. 50% of activated uniques go to the Black Market; the other 50% go to the chest pool. In addition, uniques lost to letters or mage death and one-use uniques go to the chest pool. If you get the unique event when using a chest and there is no unique in the chest pool, you will get a message that says, "You could not find any ancient artifacts." - Jello 5/6/2014

  • The mechanics of Treasure Chest have changed as seen on The new rules show that unique rolls still occur at a 2% chance, except that now the unique roll attracts uniques from the pool of items already owned as well as the pool of items unowned. This means that treasure chest may now take an item that is already owned by another mage. - Jello 8/14/15

Lesser Items