Difference between revisions of "User:Deception"
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[15:55] <Kokonoe> LOLOL<br> | [15:55] <Kokonoe> LOLOL<br> | ||
[15:55] <Piy0> LOL<br> | [15:55] <Piy0> LOL<br> | ||
+ | <br> | ||
+ | =Moral of the story= | ||
+ | Deception is GAY! |
Latest revision as of 12:33, 4 August 2010
real logs, uncut and un-edited version
[hide]Quote #1
[12:19] <Piy0> climax of your National service
[12:19] <decept|on> where u get ur pink ic back
[12:19] <decept|on> XD
[12:19] <decept|on> i prefer R.O.D
[12:19] <Piy0> lol
[12:19] <Piy0> u prefer rods
[12:20] <Piy0> -.-
[12:20] <Kokonoe> [12:20] <Kokonoe> [12:19] <decept|on> i prefer R.O.D
[12:20] <Kokonoe> [12:20] <Kokonoe> THAT Is
[12:20] <Kokonoe> [12:20] <Kokonoe> so
[12:20] <Kokonoe> [12:20] <Kokonoe> mega gay
[12:20] <Kokonoe> i just
[12:20] <Kokonoe> revealed
[12:20] <Kokonoe> the whole world
[12:20] <Piy0> u are still gay man, decep
[12:20] <Piy0> lol
[12:21] <decept|on> rod
[12:21] <decept|on> & r.o.d
[12:21] <decept|on> is different
[12:21] <decept|on> LOL
[12:22] <Piy0> lol
[12:22] <Piy0> he likes the rod well-spelt out
[12:22] <Kokonoe> dun care
[12:22] <Kokonoe> you said rod
[12:22] <Piy0> like R.O.D
[12:23] <Kokonoe> thats all what matters
[12:23] <Kokonoe> besides the capitalized only seems to me as if its softmode or H.A.R.D.C.O.R.E
[12:23] <decept|on> u faggot malaysian
[12:23] <Kokonoe> i m half jap and i m not a malay
[12:23] <decept|on> trust the faggot malaysian to say that
[12:24] <decept|on> =)
[12:25] <Piy0> migrate to sg man
[12:25] <Piy0> lol
[12:27] <decept|on> rofl & gay u up?
[12:27] <decept|on> LOL
Quote #2
[15:53] <Ren> i went reincarantion
[15:53] <Ren> with bloodfest nick
[15:53] <Ren> and yelled
[15:53] <Ren> banzai lolicons!
[15:53] <Ren> then i left
[15:53] <Ren> lol
[15:53] <decept|on> lol
[15:54] <decept|on> rofl
[15:54] <decept|on> u shld
[15:54] <decept|on> go to reincarnation
[15:54] <Ren> should what
[15:54] <decept|on> n shout
[15:54] <Ren> decep is gay
[15:54] <decept|on> I love wartree!
[15:54] <decept|on> LOL
[15:54] <decept|on> wah
[15:54] <decept|on> no
[15:54] * Ren is now known as bloodfest
[15:54] <decept|on> u shld shout i love decept|on
[15:55] <decept|on> in #reincarntion!
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] * Now talking in #reincarnation
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] * Topic is 'welcome to #reincarnation�'
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] * Set by JustFire on Mon Oct 19 06:49:28
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] <bloodfest> decep ask me to yell
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] <bloodfest> he is gay
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] <bloodfest> and homo
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] <bloodfest> thats all
[15:55] <decept|on> in #reincarnation!
[15:55] <decept|on> wtf
[15:55] <bloodfest> [15:54] <bloodfest> bai
[15:55] <decept|on> u r a fucker
[15:55] <bloodfest> LOL
Quote #3
[14:35] <maia> sms decept??!!!
[14:35] <Kokonoe> i think
[14:35] <maia> wtf!!!
[14:35] <Kokonoe> hes single for too long
[14:35] <Kokonoe> LOL
[14:35] <maia> hahhahaa
[14:35] <Kokonoe> thats..bad for one's own mind
[14:35] <Kokonoe> XD
[14:35] <maia> wats his hands for
[14:35] <maia> =P
[14:35] <Kokonoe> ;O
[14:35] <maia> he can call his left hand june and his right hand julie
[14:35] <Kokonoe> you're ruining my virtual image of you
[14:36] <Kokonoe> lol.
[14:36] <maia> =.=""
[14:36] <maia> i'm... innocent
[14:36] <maia> 0=)
obscene logs thereafter, thus censored..
an hr later
[15:45] * Piy0 (~lolz@cm40.sigma69.maxonline.com.sg) has joined #XXXXX
[15:45] * Kokonoe sets mode: +o Piy0
[15:45] <maia> piyoooooooooooooo!!!
[15:45] <maia> =P
[15:45] * Kokonoe slaps Piy0 around a bit with a large trout
[15:46] <maia> pls get a connection
[15:46] <Piy0> wah
[15:46] <maia> =.="
[15:46] <Piy0> mom!
[15:46] <maia> hihihi
[15:46] <Piy0> and pedo
[15:47] <Piy0> hahahaha
[15:47] <Piy0> whats the underage talk here
[15:47] <Kokonoe> ah
[15:47] <Kokonoe> that
[15:47] <Kokonoe> decep
[15:47] <Kokonoe> got his 2 best friends
[15:47] <Kokonoe> one called june and the other is julie
[15:48] <Piy0> :o
[15:48] <Piy0> both guys?
[15:48] <Kokonoe> that depends
[15:48] <Kokonoe> i've never really spoke to those 2 before
[15:48] <Piy0> lol
[15:48] <Kokonoe> since i cant never get to hear what they say
[15:48] <Kokonoe> maybe through decep's ventriloquism
[15:48] <maia> hahahhahaha
[15:49] <maia> u can hear them actually
[15:49] <maia> =P
[15:49] <Piy0> lol
[15:49] <Piy0> wah
[15:49] <Kokonoe> i need to highlight those words
[15:49] <Kokonoe> lol
[15:49] <Piy0> horny talk?
[15:49] <Kokonoe> but
[15:49] <Kokonoe> maia
[15:49] <Kokonoe> perhaps that
[15:49] <Kokonoe> it wasnt what they 'wanted' to talk abt
[15:50] <Kokonoe> its just 'what' decep 'wants' them to talk abt
[15:50] <Piy0> what were they talking about?
[15:50] <Kokonoe> maia is laughin
[15:50] <Kokonoe> at her own 'joke'
[15:50] <Kokonoe> lol..
[15:50] <maia> hahhahaa
[15:50] <Kokonoe> do you want me to copy the log, maia?
[15:50] <maia> it wasn't mine!!!
[15:50] <Kokonoe> or you diy
[15:50] <maia> u made me say it!!
[15:50] <Kokonoe> ok
[15:50] <Kokonoe> let me pm you piyo
[15:50] <Piy0> what?
[15:50] <Piy0> oks
[15:50] <maia> nuuuuuuuuuu!!!
[15:50] <Kokonoe> YOU will be VERY suprised
[15:50] <Kokonoe> at the first few sentence
[15:52] <maia> pls
[15:52] <maia> delete
[15:52] <Piy0> LOL
[15:52] <maia> logs
[15:52] <maia> hahahhahaa
[15:52] <Kokonoe> seriously
[15:52] <Piy0> hahahaha
[15:52] <Kokonoe> [14:35] <maia> wats his hands for
[15:52] <maia> waaaaaaaaa
[15:52] <Kokonoe> that ALONE
[15:52] <Kokonoe> is just so WRONG
[15:52] <maia> u know pink's song??
[15:52] <maia> you and your hand??
[15:53] <maia> =P
[15:53] <Piy0> to mom its right
[15:53] <Kokonoe> change topic doesnt work!
[15:53] <Kokonoe> but then again
[15:53] <Kokonoe> which one
[15:53] <maia> hahahhaa
[15:53] <maia> the one where it goes...'its just you and your hand tonight'
[15:53] <maia> hahhaa
[15:53] <Kokonoe> let me
[15:53] <Piy0> wa poor bunny
[15:53] <Kokonoe> save
[15:53] <maia> you and your hand
[15:53] <Kokonoe> for keepsake
[15:53] <maia> =P
[15:53] <maia> hahhahaa
[15:55] * decept|on (~gunners@bb220-255-182-196.singnet.com.sg) has joined #XXXXX
[15:55] * Piy0 sets mode: +o decept|on
[15:55] <maia> =(
[15:55] <maia> o.o!!!!!!!!!
[15:55] * maia hides
[15:55] <Kokonoe> LOLLLL
[15:55] <Kokonoe> ok
[15:55] <Kokonoe> lets stop
[15:55] <Kokonoe> LOLOL
[15:55] <Piy0> LOL
Moral of the story
Deception is GAY!