Sun Favor
- Sun, the Father of the Sky
- The Highfather maintains the philosophy that he alone is right. He believes himself to be modest and righteous, but the other gods and their followers simply don't share that belief. Not that such troubles the Father of the Sky: he doesn't hesitate to use any method to convince people of his truths. The Highfather executes revenge and just punishment on those who transgress the law (his law). He promotes the ideals of justice, valor, chivalry, and honor, but only if their practice fits his definitions. To his followers, his power feels as a defining and unifying force. All things must have a master plan, and the Highfather is the master planner! Sun delivers great force to his favoured followers, and that makes him the most popular and loved of the gods. Sun is gaining power at great rates. Constantly making proclamations and rules, he is always first to attack Nature's policies, though he has no intention of forcing another direct confrontation with Nature. Her last provoked attack wounded him greatly and it is his pride and dignity that were wounded the most. Sun's power is respected by the other gods, but they consider him far too difficult to work with as an ally. He is doomed to stand alone, and so are his followers who are generally disreputed by other gods. Sun usually appears as a paladin in shining armor who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous lieutenant Lucifer. But now that Lucifer has ascended to deityhood and is in conflict with Satan, Sun hopes to renew the alliance with his old companion in order to strengthen his position in the firmament.
- Donate Minimum 15,000,000 Geld (30,000,000 on Lightning) or 10% of your current Geld (Including items/heroes/units/spells you are selling and buying)
- +3% accuracy in battles
Most Favored
Requirements (Unverified)
- Not favoured by any other god
- Sun Favour
- Satan Disfavour
- Must have 10 stacks
- Minimum net power of 10,000,000
- Top 10 Donators
- Don't use Demons or Undead in your stack
- Must donate 100% of Geld, minimum donation is 800,000,000 (Blitz/Lightning); 600,000,000 (Guild Server/Archwar/Solo); 300,000,000 (Arch); 250,000,000 (Beta)
- Most Favoured status brings double what normal favour brings, for double the time (96 hours).
- 100 Red Dragons (with normal upkeep).