Common Terminology

From TheReincarnation
Revision as of 12:07, 31 January 2006 by Galad (talk | contribs) (General)
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AMArchmage, what this game used to be, developed by MARI
ArenaArena Archmage, the game's built in lookup tool
ASArchspace, another game developed by MARI. Has had it's own reincarnation (
AscAscendant, a magic speciality
BangMultiple coordinated attacks on a single mage
BBQAn all-out attack, usually by a guild, on one or more mages. Usually includes attacks, spells and items
BlackNether, a magic speciality
BluePhantasm, a magic speciality
Descriptiontext entered by a mage on thier Options screen and viewed by other mages via arena / the rank list
EradEradication, a magic speciality
GreenVerdant, a magic speciality
KenaJust... kena.
Magea player's account in this game
MPMana, Mana Points
NDNon-Description, an unguilded mage. Comes from AM, where players showed thier guild in thier description
NPNet Power
PhantPhantasm, a magic speciality
Penaa penis
RedEradication, a magic speciality
SLSpell Level
TRThe Reincarnation, this game
VerdVerdant, a magic speciality
WhiteAscendant, a magic speciality

Battle / War



