Supporting Guild Building Tool

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Building Tool

The Building Tool is a feature of Supporting Guilds and Supporting Players. It allows the player to set predetermined values for their kingdom's buildings, so that when they have land to build they can do so more quickly (in terms of time, it will still take the same amount of turns).

There are 2 steps involved in using the Building Tool: Setting up the build rates, and then Building with the Building Tool.

Setting up the Build Rates

From the build.cgi page there will be a link for "Build Settings." Clicking on this will bring you to a page in which you can set your build rates.

See the diagram below: Buildsetting.jpg

There are three value types which can be set under Type:

  • Disable - The value is not set and will not be built by the Build Tool. Farms/towns are an exception and will be covered below.
  • Fixed - This sets the raw number of how many buildings of this type you want to have in your kingdom. If you set workshops to be 399 Fixed, then if your workshops fall below 399 the Build Tool will attempt to build them back up to 399 before building anything disabled (usually farms/towns, covered below).
  • Percentage - This sets the % of built land that you wish to build for the selected building type. Common builds are 2.5% barriers, 1% forts, and node percentages. The Build Tool will automatically calculate how many buildings need to be built in order to reach this %.

NOTE: If Farms/Towns are set to disabled, then remaining land will be allocated to them in a ratio that will make out your population.

Building with the Building Tool