Apprentice History
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Dec/99 or Jan/00 to March 2, 2000
Guilds Active
- Black Dragon Clan (BDC)
- Blade&Fury (B&F)
- Clan Assamite
- Library of Angels (LoA)
- MaGe Of AnGeLs
- Mages of the Stone Sword (MotSS)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- Star cresh Mirror
- The Templars
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Towers of High Sorcery (ToHS)
- Wu Tang Clan
- Penguin, leader of Star cresh Mirror, was a MARI employee and accused of using insider information to gain ridiculous in-game privileges. MARI would restrict employee maging from that point on
(Some have speculated that this happened on S1, not App. Anyone have proof of this? I wasn't around til the next set.)
- Mages of the Stone Sword, lead by Nicimus, merges into The Templars
B&F vs SPC
Reset 2
March 2000 to June 2, 2000
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Army of Darkness (AoD)
- Black Dragon Clan (BDC)
- Blade&Fury (B&F)
- Dwarven Slayers Clan (DSC)
- Evil Multi-Attackers (EMA) (Ring's guild prior to joining TWoR)
- Guardians of Darkness (GoD)
- Holy Legion of God (HLoG)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Keepers of the Lore (KoTL)
- KGB of Terra
- Legion of High Mages (LoHM)
- Library of Angels (LoA)
- MaGe Of AnGeLs
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- Silent Blades
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The Fallen Angels (TFA)
- The French Barbarians (TFB)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Light
- The Rabid Vikings (TRV)
- The Silverhands Tribe
- The Templars
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Treant Hill Mob (THM)
- Ulti-mage
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- Varanguis of Terra
- Wu Tang Clan
- +++COURAGE+++ was founded, but only for this set
- Wu Tang Clan merges into Shaolin Temple this set
Kindred vs Shaolin
AoD vs The Light
Templars, Kindred vs Ultimage
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June 2000 to October 2, 2000
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Badinfröhm
- Blade&Fury (B&F)
- Dwarven Slayers Clan (DSC)
- Guardians of Darkness (GoD)
- House of Annihilation (HoA)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Knights of Mordor (KoM)
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Library of Angels (LoA)
- Lido
- MaGe Of AnGeLs
- Midkemia
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The French Barbarians (TFB)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Rabid Vikings (TRV)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Treant Hill Mob (THM)
- United Nations of Terra (UNoT)
HoR, SToM, SPC vs Badinfröhm, HoA, Horde, Kindred, KoM, Lido, LoA, TCG
Reset 4
October 2000 to February 3, 2001
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Blade&Fury (B&F)
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Dwarven Slayers Clan (DSC)
- Gaming Club Dordrecht (GCD) (merged with TE to become GotR from the next set onward)
- Herculoids
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- House of Riva
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Library of Angels (LoA) (sub-guild of RoM)
- MaGe Of AnGeLs
- Midkemia
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- RoM Assassins (RA) (sub-guild of RoM)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The Existence (TE) (merged with GCD to become GotR from the next set onward)
- The French Barbarians (TFB)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Rabid Vikings (TRV)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Tribe
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- United Nations of Terra (UNoT)
- Tom Wolf multi-mage scandal
LoA, Horde, RoM vs B&F, HoR, SPC
DSC vs HoR
TCG vs Tribe
Kindred vs Shaolin, HoR
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February 2001 to June 2, 2001
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Blade of Magic (BoM)
- Convergence
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Dark Legion
- Dwarven Slayers Clan (DSC)
- Guardians of the Rift (GoTR)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Ice Region
- Legion of the Blood God (LotBG)
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Library of Angels (LoA) (sub-guild of RoM)
- Midkemia
- Power of 5
- Reign of Fire (~Reign~)
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- RoM Assassins (RA) (sub-guild of RoM)
- Russian Warriors (RW)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The French Barbarians (TFB)
- The French Connection (TFC)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Kinship Alliance (TKA)
- The Musketeers (TM)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- United Nations of Terra (UNoT)
- Kindred "backstab" reset, dropping most alliances while holding the top
- RoM Assassins change name to Ronin Assassins, becoming independent from Rifters of Matter during this set
- LoA takes a break after this set until Reset 8 before disbanding for good in AM
- The distribution of 'The Kindred Papers, Volume One' by an unknown mage, depicting the Kindred as a real life worldwide sect bent on global domination.
LotRP, Kindred, Power of 5, TFC, TCG vs Convergence, GotR, RoM, TKA, TWoR, UNoT
Kindred, RA vs BoM, Convergence
Shaolin vs RoM, LoA, ???
Reset 6
June 2001 to September 30, 2001
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Blade of Magic (BoM)
- Convergence
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Dark Legion
- Dwarven Slayers Clan (DSC)
- Great Library of Knowledge (GLK)
- Guardians of the Rift (GoTR)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Ice Region
- Legion of the Blood God (LotBG)
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Midkemia
- Power of 5
- Reign of Fire (~Reign~)
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- Ronin Assassins (RA)
- Russian Warriors (RW)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The French Connection (TFC)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Kinship Alliance (TKA)
- The Ministry (TMN)
- The Musketeers (TM)
- The Praetorian Crusaders (TPC)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- United Nations of Terra (UNoT)
- kawai halls with one mage and finishes 11th with another this set, resulting in a year ban from TWoR
- Ronin Assassins announce mercenary policy this set, requests made for kills via maddcow
- Beta units first introduced
Dark Legion vs RW
RA vs RW
Reset 7
October 2001 to January 31, 2002
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Cold Reflections (CR) (offshoot of HR)
- Convergence
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Deathcloud (DC) (offshoot of HR)
- Defenders of Life (DoL)
- Elemental Dragons (ED)
- Great Library of Knowledge (GLK)
- Guardians of the Rift (GoTR)
- Hell Riders (HR)
- Hellish Warriors (HW)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Ice Region
- Legion of the Blood God (LotBG)
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Midkemia
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- Ring Wraith Avengers (RWA)
- Ronin Assassins (RA)
- Russian Warriors (RW)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- Stormtrooper of Death (SoD)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The French Connection (TFC)
- The Horde
- The Kindred
- The Kinship Alliance (TKA)
- The Ministry (TMN)
- The Musketeers (TM)
- The Praetorian Crusaders (TPC)
- The Reversion Blade (TRB)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- United Nations of Terra (UNoT)
- WWII - The Banana War
- Quest multi-mage scandal
- Ronin Assassins pose as noob guild, Sesame Street of Terra
WWII - Libra Consortium vs Kena Bananas
LotRP, Kindred, RA, SToM, TCG vs DC, GotR, RoM, TWoR
RA vs TRB, HW, ???, ???, ???, ???
Reset 8
February 2002 to May 1, 2002
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Convergence
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Deathcloud (DC)
- Elemental Academy
- Elemental Dragons
- Defenders of Life (DoL)
- Great Library of Knowledge (GLK)
- Guardians of the Rift (GoTR)
- Hellish Warriors (HW)
- Hell Riders (HR)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Legion of the Blood God (LotBG)
- Library of Angels (LoA)
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- Ring Wraith Avengers (RWA)
- Ronin Assassins (RA)
- Russian Warriors (RW)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Army (TCA)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The Federation
- The French Connection (TFC)
- The Kindred
- The Kinship Alliance (TKA)
- The Musketeers (TM)
- The Praetorian Crusaders (TPC)
- The Reversion Blade (TRB)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- Ronin Assassins take a vacation, most members join SocioPolitical Control for this set
GotR vs Kindred, TCG
RoM vs HR
RoM vs SToM
SPC vs TC (2nd time)
Reset 9
May 2002 to September 14, 2002
Guilds Active
- Apprentice Academy
- Church of the Dragon (CotD)
- Church of Satan
- Convergence
- Courageous Conquerers of Good (CCG)
- Deathcloud (DC)
- Defenders of Life (DoL)
- Elemental Academy
- Elemental Dragons
- Great Library of Knowledge (GLK)
- Grey Division
- Guardians of the Rift (GoTR)
- Hell's Angels (HA)
- Hell Riders (HR)
- House of Rastafari (HoR)
- Legion of the Blood God (LotBG)
- Legion of the Reborn Paladin (LotRP)
- Mages of Justice (MoJ)
- Masters of Mind (MoM)
- Minions of Hades (MoH)
- ~Ra~
- Rifters of Matter (RoM)
- Ring Wraith Avengers (RWA)
- Ronin Assassins (RA)
- Russian Warriors (RW)
- Seventh Gate
- Shadows of Death (SoD)
- Shaolin Temple, Order of Monks (SToM)
- SocioPolitical Control (SPC)
- The Crimson Army (TCA)
- The Crimson Guard (TCG)
- The French Connection (TFC)
- The Kindred
- The Kinship Alliance (TKA)
- The Musketeers (TM)
- The Praetorian Crusaders (TPC)
- The Reversion Blade (TRB)
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
- Union of the Holy Cross (UoHC)
- Deathcloud merges into Legion of the Blood God during this set
- Ronin Assassins pose as noob guild again, Lost Sons of Albion (LSoA)
SPC vs GotR
RA vs HR, HA
RA vs Kindred
RA, RWA, TWoR vs Kindred, TCG (RA drops this war)
Shaolin, TM, Elemental Academy, Elemental Dragons, TPC, MoJ, GLK vs ~Ra~, Convergence, RW, MoH
RA vs TWoR (Arma only)