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Server:MARI Server Guild (S1)
IRC:Formerly #Retribution and #Deliverance
Status:Currently Retired


Retribution was a merger between 3 guilds the Rainbow Alliance of Terra, The Academy, and Shadows of the Night. Ret in its first reset Alliad the Tarakians and The Covenient and had a Nap with the Vampire State Building. The Tarakians and TC were long time allies until both disbanded.

Retribution was around for the final 6 or 7 resets of Mari often as one of the major player guilds on S1. Once Mari closed its doors for good shortly after The Reincarnation was Born and after 2-3 resets Retribution Reformed. Despite having a decent core from the older Mari days none of the players were really as active anymore so it was decided to let the ship Sail.

Many of the top players in todays game and yesterdays game at one time or another were a member of Retribution or at the very least alliad to.

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