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LingeringFanclub began his time in Mari AM on the apprentice server (of all places to begin...) A lovely little war guild by the name of DSC (Dwarven Slayers Clan) was this mages first home, lead by RL friend and crowd favourite ex-AM player Hydrus. After several good resets and many memorable wars the guild disbanded and Fanclub moved to another slightly larger guild. The Crimson Guard. Not long after this, Mari AM collapsed. [Skip Forward a bit] Fanclub picked up TR in its 3rd reset and signed up with AoD in reset #4. Reset 6 of TR marks the return to where it all began, Joining ROM on the apprentice server.

With any luck, TR will continue to grow and attract more players, so many more memorable wars can be had.

RL: My name is James! I live in Australia where I am a first year Uni Student.