User:T'kon Macrineaux

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An aspiring author from an easily forgettable town near Dallas, Texas, T’kon was first brought into the game six years ago, before it’s days as TR, by his closest real life friend, Zarkahn. Over the six years with the exception of the gap between the original game, and when T’kon first came to TR, he has been, near constantly the leader of the Jade Temple Knights.

Blitz only

Mage Name:

Current (and only) Leader of The Jade Temple Knights
Former Leader of The Brotherhood of Arai (The Arai Temple and Finality Faction)
Former Second-in-Command, General, Judge, and Diplomat of the IOT

Read Name:
Jayde Rice

His guild, the Intimidators of Terra, The Dark Mages of Terra (when Deathwarp leads), that creepy “Burger King” from the Burger King commercials

People whose lives are so pathetic that they think being good at TR makes them good at life and put all their pride in it, ND Coordination, Censorship on Cable

One time he:
Tried to do push-ups doing a handstand, but has no upper body strength and hurt himself.

Quite seem to realize when he’s talked too much