Magical barriers block enemy's spells and items to your country. Requiring certain formula and technique, only an Archmage can build a barrier. There's no way to order anything when you are concentrating to build them. Higher rate of barriers will increase the chance of protecting yourself from various kind of magical attacks.
- The percentage of barriers on your land determines overall spell resistance
- Building ~2.5% barriers gives the maximum 75% barrier resistance
- The skill Barrier Proficiency can raise maximum resistance to 83%.
- Barriers require 30 m.p./turn upkeep on non-oversummoning servers, and 60 m.p./turn on oversummoning servers
- Barriers provide no space for population, vs 10 for wilderness.
Building barriers
- The number of Workshops does not increase the building rate for barriers (these are magical buildings, only the mage can make them)
- Neither does the Engineer (these are magical buildings, only the mage can make them)
- If you build 50 barriers at once you will
- Building them one turn at a time saves you ~37,500 mana on upkeep mana.
- of course the faster you move, the less you risk being attacked while building barriers...
Program Code of Barriers
Source: [1]
sub spell_resisted {
- my $caster_mage = shift;
- my $target_mage = shift;
- my $spell_color = shift;
- my $barrier_resistance = $target_mage->getBarrierResistance() / 100;
- my $sl_resistance = 0;
- my $barrier_piercing = $caster_mage->{mage_spellpiercing} / 100;
- my $color_resistance = 0;
- $color_resistance = $target_mage->getResistanceNether() if $spell_color eq 'NETHER';
- $color_resistance = $target_mage->getResistancePhantasm() if $spell_color eq 'PHANTASM';
- $color_resistance = $target_mage->getResistanceAscendant() if $spell_color eq 'ASCENDANT';
- $color_resistance = $target_mage->getResistanceVerdant() if $spell_color eq 'VERDANT';
- $color_resistance = $target_mage->getResistanceEradication() if $spell_color eq 'ERADICATION';
- $color_resistance = 75 if $color_resistance > 75;
- #Spell Penetration also reduces color resistance
- $color_resistance -= $caster_mage->{mage_spellpiercing};
- $color_resistance = 0 if $color_resistance < 0;
- $color_resistance /= 100;
- #check barriers
- if ( rand() < ($barrier_resistance + $sl_resistance - $barrier_piercing)) {
- return 0;
- }
- #check resistances
- if (rand() < $color_resistance) {
- return 1;
- }
- #not blocked
- return 2;