Revision as of 03:51, 27 December 2007 by (talk)
Fuhgawz started off during Archmage, fighting under the banner of the Knights of the Silver Order (KSO) till archmage was no longer running...
Came back when TR was formed and fought alongside many in Freedom Fighters and eventually helped a good friend Levadar form Bushido Reborn in Blitz...
currently raking the fruits of past experiences, fuhgawz once again moves alongside friends in The Bouncers (App) and Realm of Chaos (RoC)...
was never known for kena skills in ranking or warring, but nevertheless a faithfull friend and a diplomatic person.
Guild's Joined
Knights of the Silver Order (KSO) Freedom Fighters (FF) Bushido Reborn (BR) The Bouncers (Club) The Equilibrium Faction (TEF) Realms of Chaos (RoC)