The attack type HOLY is only found on Ascendant units and on the plain unit Fanatic, but it can be added to units of other colors. using spells and/or items. Units of the Undead race all have a Weakness to HOLY.
Spells and items affecting HOLY attacks:
- The enchantment The Holy Light adds HOLY to the primary attack of Ascendant units with a MELEE attack type (primary or secondary).
- The spell Sword of Light adds HOLY to the units with a MELEE primary attack type.
- Dozens of Silver-Tipped Arrows adds Holy to units with RANGED MISSILE attack type.
- The Nether enchantment Black Sabbath adds approximately 30% resistance against HOLY
- The Nether enchantment Shroud of Darkness does NOT add resistance against HOLY
- The Nether Hero Dread Knight's ability Unholy Aura adds some resistance against HOLY
- The unique item Black Ankh adds 50% resistance against HOLY