Section 3 - Battle

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Winning Battles
There are 3 conditions an attacker must meet to win a battle:
1. Attacker must kill 10% of the Defender's permanent army. (Temporary units do not count in this %)
2. Attacker must kill a larger % of the Defender's permanent army, than the Defender kills of the Attacker's permanent army.
3. Attacker must have at least 1 unit remaining at the end of the battle.
All a defender has to do to win, is prevent one of these situations from being fulfilled.
Determining Unit kills
Damage = #ofattackers * AttackPower * Efficiency * Accuracy * Rand * (1-(avgres)) * OtherMultipliers
Units Killed = Damage/Life

Battle Sample
Attacker MageA (#1)

Name - # of Units : Attack : Counter : Hit point

Lich - 1000 : 5500 : 2000 : 7500
Defender MageB (#2)

Name - # of Units : Attack : Counter : Hit point

Archangel - 2500 : 4000 : 400 : 6000

#ofattackers = # of units in the given "stack" of units (in sample: Lich's #ofattackers = 1000 , Archangel's #ofattackers = 2500)
AttackPower = Listed AP of the unit. (in sample: Lich's AttackPower is 5500(primary), 8000(secondary), 2000(counter), Archangel's AttackPower is 4000(primary), 400(counter).)
Efficiency = Measure of "Fatigue" of unit. Base Efficiency of every unit is 1, when unit strikes with a primary attack the unit suffers -.15 to this number (this number is only -.1 if the unit has "endurance"), a unit also suffers -.15 to this number when they attempt to counter (even if paralyzed or too far away - they still suffer fatigue). Charm causes a .5 reduction in efficiency when unit is attacked by a primary attack (Charm Example: 1 - .5 = .5 efficiency)
Accuracy = Accuracy of units, all units have a starting accuracy of .3, this accuracy is effected by spells, items, heroes, abilities, etc. Under normal circumstances it subtracts/adds to accuracy normally (example: Satchel of Mist is -10% accuracy, ie -.1 to accuracy. Changing accuracy from .3 to .2). The non-normal circumstances are when accuracy would reach extreme lows, in which case it changes formulae to one a bit more complicated (not at liberty to place here - as that is someone else's research whom I don't have permission from).
Rand = Rand multiplier that randomly lands between .2 and .8 (for calculations .5 is standard). Magic and Psychic attacks used to have a Rand of 1, but to prevent unnecessary confusion these attack types had their AP stats doubled ingame so they would have the same Rand value as everything else.
Avgres = Average resistances a unit has to an attack. This is calculated the following method:
(ResistanceToAttackType1 + ResistanceToAttackType2 + ... + ResistanceToAttackTypeN)/N
The (1-(avgres)) part of the formula can be interpreted in the following example:
Attack Type: Fire Breath
Defender's Resistances: Fire: 75%, Breath: 0%
Avgres = 37.5%
(1-(avgres)) = 1 - .375 = .625
OtherMultipliers = These are the other multipliers such as Scales(.75) and Weakness(2). All multipliers are in turn multiplied.
Life = The life of the unit being hit, very straightforward (lich = 7500 in the sample, Archangel = 6000 in the sample)

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