Section 8 - Spell Information
This part of the original UBB version of the FAQ, has been incorporated in the spells page of this wiki.
Mental Thrash - Deals 1600 * (your Spell Level) of Psychic damage to a single stack of the enemy army (1 stack only).
Fog Cloud - Reduces the accuracy of all units that fail to resist the spell (this includes your own units).
Lovesick - Gives units the abilities Beauty and Charm (1 stack only).
Double Time - +1 initiative, and a large increase to unit accuracy (1 stack only).
Sleep - Reduces resistances of 1 enemy stack significantly. There are unconfirmed reports of a secondary effect (I will not post it at this time).
Invisibility - sets a unit's initiative to 6, and also has the (confirmed) secondary effect of reducing the efficiency of the unit being hit by the invisible unit (this efficiency reduction is IN ADDITION TO fatigue)
Slow - -1 Initiative to all units that fail to resist it (only targets enemy units)
Paralyze - This spell has 4 effects, all randomly target a stack (they can all hit the same stack, or all hit seperate stacks, or any combination there-in) - effects are reduced for non-blue casters:
- Effect 1: -100% AP
- Effect 2: -100% Counter
- Effect 3: -5 Init
- Effect 4: Prevents "BURSTING"
Temporal Stasis Field - Removes turns (one) as the target takes turns. The turns vanish (ie they are not used, merely destroyed).
Hallucination - % chance to block attacks from entering your country. This is effected by the SL the enchantment is cast at, and the SL of the attacker (The lower the attacker's SL in comparison to the defender's SL, the higher the % to block, this is why god Hallucination is so desireable).
Concentration - Concentration has 3 effects:
1. Reduces the chance of failing to cast a spell.
2. Reduces the 'Research Cost' (time it takes) to research a spell:
--- On-Color (blue): SL*.1 = % reduction (SL 100 = 10% reduction)
--- Adjascent-Color (White/Black): SL*.05 = % reduction (SL 100 = 5% reduction)
--- Opposing-Color (Green/Red): SL*.025 = % reduction (SL 100 = 2.5% reduction)
3. (Blue Only) Increases amount of units summoned (Largest effect for Opposing color summons).
Wall of Silence - Essentially Confuse in an epidemic form (random dispel failure, random casting failure). Epidemics spread through attacks, and can only be cast on self (and then spread), they can be cast by gods.
Laziness - Reduces Gold Income significantly for blue (extremely less effect when cast by other colors)
Mirage Monster - Summons 6666 Shadows Monsters into your army during battle.
Gate - Randomly Summons a small group of 1 of the following: Knights, Angels, Archangels, or Unicorns.
Sword of Light - Adds Holy damage to melee units, while boosing Attacks and Accuracy. (for more information on this spell - see the "The Holy Light" description).
Blinding Flash - Reduces the accuracy of all enemy units that fail to resist this spell.
Resist Elements - Many rumors about this spell go around, although it is hard to determine an actual answer. The most likely effect is that it increases your units Eradication Spell Resistance (ie - your units are more likely to resist eradication spells).
Love and Peace - +% Unit Life, -% Unit AP, Increases Gold Net Income, Increases Population Income, Generates the unit "preachers" in varied amounts (small quantity).
The Holy Light - This spell is much like an enchantment version of "Sword of Light" - the special effect is that in addition to that - when used in battle with the spell "Sword of Light" it adds the "Holy" attack type to ALL units, not just the Melee units. (for example: Salamanders would become Holy Fire)
Miracle - Heals 100% of killed units in non-ultimate stacks.
*Important Note on Healing* Healing only functions if there is at least 1 surviving unit in the stack. If the stack has 0 remaining units, then no healing will occur - regardless of the spell you try to use. (ie - if a stack gets stackwiped - it will not resurrect). This has been repeated 3 times, in 3 ways, to emphasize the point.
Heavenly Protection - Has a %chance to reflect spells cast at you. (arguably the best Ancient spell)
Wooden Soul - Increases the Life of one of your stacks significantly.
Rust Armor - Reduces enemy Melee resistance significantly.
Call Hurricane -
- if unit hit by CH has the ability "FLYING" - and fails to resist CH, FLYING unit loses the ability "FLYING", cannot gain the ability "FLYING", and get -1 init.
- if unit hit by CH has the ability "FLYING" - and resists CH, FLYING unit remains FLYING and suffers no other effects.
- if unit hit by CH does not have the ability "FLYING" - and fails to resist CH, unit cannot gain the ability "FLYING"
- if unit hit by CH does not have the ability "FLYING" - and resists CH, unit can gain "FLYING" from a spell or item.
Plant Growth - Increases the AP/Counter/Life of Treefolk by a very large amount.
Weather Summoning - Increases the amount of food farms provide.
Summon Locust Swarm - Reduces the amount of food farms provide.
Nature's Favor - Increases the amount of food farms provide, and generates Treants, Nymphs, and Dryads. If memory serves - this also boosts population income.
Nature's Lore - Allows you to explore an increased amount of land per turn with the explore function (minimum +1 acre/turn). Boosts Elves slightly.
Serenity - Dispells a number of spells on the target mage when it gets through barriers. Usually used defensively to remove offensive enchantments, but can also be used offensively to remove defensive enchantments.
Stun - Reduces the resistances and efficiency of any unit that fails to resist it. LARGE reduction.
Flameblade - Adds Fire attack type to any melee unit, also gives the unit a small boost to accuracy.
Flame Shield - Gives your units 100% Fire Resistance, and gives them the ability "Bursting Fire"
Call Lightning - Kills Population
Destroy Artifacts - Destroys a number of the target's Items (cannot destroy uniques, Compasses, or Minor Indulgences).
Chain Lightning - Strikes a given number of stacks until its power runs out - will strike your own units as well after running through the enemy stacks. Your units will attempt to resist it.
Battle Chant - +% AP, -% Life, also when cast by a red gives your units the ability to "Frenzy" and steal gold during attacks on other mages.
Gravity Pull - Works almost exactly like Call Hurricane, except it only targets enemy units, and deals damage instead of giving -1 initiative (same rules apply about this damage not occuring on units without natural flying)
Inferno - Deals damage based on the number of enemies in a specific stack (larger the stack, more damage it takes, smaller the stack, less damage it takes). This is by QUANTITY of units in the stack, not Net Power.
Most Frequently Asked About Spell Information
Gaze of Death - Kills a small number of enemy units, best used against "ultimate" units.
Night of the Living Dead - Randomly creates a small number of a random nether undead units (can summon 1 of the following per cast: Shadows, Zombies, Wraith, Lich, Vampires)
Blood Curse - Enchants your units attacks with the ability to prevent healing - in other words, if one of your units hits an enemy unit, there will be 0 units resurrecting at the end of battle. This spell targets your own units, so you don't have to worry about enemy unit resistances.
Blood Ritual - Summons Ghouls into your army every turn, be careful casting as you can quickly become overwhelmed by the ghouls (expect to get about 400k-700k by the end of the spell as black).
Touch of Necromancy - Summons zombies to your army after the end of each battle in which you kill enemy units.
Black Sabbath - Increases your mana income by approx. 2,000-4,000 mana (give or take a few hundred, increase fluctuates randomly). Decreases your population generation by about 1/3rd of normal. Grants your units a moderate amount of holy attack type resistance (about 30%). Gives you 666 skeletons and zombies per turn.
Dreams of Seduction - Summons a number of Succubi into your army, based on your Current Population. (4% of your current population = the number of Succubi you get)
Contract of the Soul - Summons the "Devil Prince" to your kingdom, and for 24 hours after casting the spell you gain the benefit of "Devils." Devils come in mass on defense, but will only come in mass on attack if you're taking a "machine counter" - which is based on the difference in % damage in combat you and an enemy have done to each other in the past 24 hours (the # of devils is based on population in all cases, ie 0 population = 0 devils). Devil Prince remains for approx. 3 days worth of turns. Contract of the Soul cannot be cast while you have the Devil Prince in your country. Each turn you take during the first 24 hours under the influence Contract of the Soul will result in a large portion of your resources being destroyed by the devils. After that 24 hours, the Prince will remain and suck up a portion of your mana and steal any pillaged goods you get.
Corruption - Summons Fallen Dominions, Fallen Archangels, or Fallen Angels into your kingdom, also has a chance to summon nothing. This spell only works for nethers, although it is attainable by all colors through the black market.
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