Groentje Players Manual Ch2
Groentje Players Manual Ch1
To play ‘The Reincarnation’, you need to be connected to the internet and have a web-browser open (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Firefox). Surf to, and select one of the game servers (e.g. ‘Apprentice server’). You may want to bookmark the servers entrance screen as one of your favourites, because you’ll need to login at this page each time you decide to play your mage in the future.
Creating a New Mage
entrance screen. Using the orange 'Register' buttons on the portal page also works. It brings up a form that has to be filled with the required data (choose a mage name, choose a mage speciality and give an email-address that exists). You will not be able to change your mage name in the game, so choose carefully (and note Decalogue statement on foul language). Do give a REAL email adress, because you'll need it to retrieve your validation code and you'll need it to contact administrators if something goes wrong. One confirms mage-reincarnation by clicking on the symbol at the bottom of the page.
When successful, it brings up a screen where your mage name and password appear. Both are needed to login to the server and to play your mage. Memorise them (note them down) and return to the servers entrance screen. You will be able to change your password. You’ll also receive your mage number, unique to you, that is an additional identifier in the game. You cannot change that number. There will be message that a validation code is sent to your email adress. It should arive within a few minutes. The validation proces is explained below.
Only One Mage per Player!
Note that players are supposed to play only one mage on a server (see the Decalogue). Reincarnating a new mage while you still have an old one is considered cheating (‘multi-maging’) and will result in account deletion. Players are allowed to play another mage at another server.
Sharing a computer
Important: If you share a computer with another player or other players - in most circumstances each of you can play the game, BUT you will have to inform the developers/admin team about your shared connection situation. Hereto, there is a 'Multi-account registration' link on each server's entrance screen (an alternative link is found in the Council of the Emperor screen in the game). If you do not inform the developers, your accounts will be considered to violate gaming rules ('multi-maging'). You can read this 'FAQ' on when to register. It deals with most situations regarding sharing computers. If you share a computer in your house with another player, both of you need to be in the same guild (guilded server) or be each others allies (non-guild server).