
is best described as a brilliant tactician with a slight Napoleon complex. Can at times be seen occupying various cellars in the greater Stockholm area studying maps with imprinted hexagonal overlays; and is rumoured to have a real name starting with the letter T (see image) and being the 21-th best Archmageplayer of all time as well as being the 10-th best The-Reincarnation player of all time[1]
Known aliases: Saruman[2], Soult, Oberon, Toto, Duke Teo among others; Modus Operandi includes changing names freqently to avoid enemies.
Known Accomplices: The Tarakian Guild; Ringlords (and The Merger), NOW
Known positions of power:
Minister without portfolio (Consigliere), Tactician, Headmaster of Mordain University, Minister of Vengeance - The Tarakian Guild
Designated Tactician - Ringlords
Designated Tactician - NOW
Age: To high
Flirt potential: Increases with the square of the distance, and can thus be quite high if you live in the greater North American area; or even farther than that from the capital of Sweden.