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Encyclopedia (Guildwar) | Units | Spells | Items | Heroes | Skills | Resources

Icon ERADICATION.gif Eradication | Icon VERDANT.gif Verdant | Icon ASCENDANT.gif Ascendant | Icon PHANTASM.gif Phantasm | Icon NETHER.gif Nether | Icon PLAIN.gif Plain

Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells

This spell creates an invisible barrier in the air, which blocks off, or deflects, all ranged attacks on your troops by the enemy. Area of effect: 1 random stack.

Spell Statistics
Name Protection from Missile
Magic Speciality Ascendant
Rank Simple
Attributes Instant/Battle
Cast Turn -
Cast M.P. 700
Research Cost 500
Upkeep Cost none
Related Unit


Adds ranged resistance to one random owned stack

  • ONCOLORIcon ASCENDANT.gif: SL*0.0009
  • OFFCOLORIcon VERDANT.gifIcon PHANTASM.gif: SL*0.0004
  • OPPOSITEIcon NETHER.gifIcon ERADICATION.gif: SL*0.0002

Example: An Ascendant mage with SL of 500 would have the RANGED resistance of one random stack owned stack increased by 45%. (0.0009 * 500)