Animal Mastery

Barrier Proficiency |
Grand Enchanter |
Legendary Commander |
Augment Summoning |
Grand Conqueror
This skill will increase the attack power and hitpoints of your Animal units. Higher levels give a bigger boost. The most powerful Animal Masters can increase the attack initiative of their pets.
- Apparently x=1
- Level 1-5 : increases AP, Counter and HP of all animal units by x% per level.
- Level 6-10 : increases AP, Counter and HP of all animal units by 2x% per level.
- Level 11-15 : increases AP, Counter and HP of all animal units by 3x% per level.
- Level 16-20 : increases AP, Counter and HP of all animal units by 4x% per level.
- Level 10+ : Unknown if existing.
- Level 15+ : Unknown if existing.
- Level 20 : All Animal units gain +1 initiative in battle.
Level By Level
- L1 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 1%
- L2 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 2%
- L3 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 3%
- L4 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 4%
- L5 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 5%
- L6 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 7%
- L7 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 9%
- L8 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 11%
- L9 : AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 13%
- L10: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 15%
- L11: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 18%
- L12: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 21%
- L13: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 24%
- L14: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 27%
- L15: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 30%
- L16: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 34%
- L17: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 38%
- L18: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 42%
- L19: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 46%
- L20: AP/Counter/HP of all animals increased by 50%
(in the assumption x=1%, confirmed at low level)
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