Efficiency Modifiers

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Efficiency Basic Value = 100%

Fatigue penalty:



Hero Bonus:

  • If a Hero commands a stack of the same colour and race as the hero this stack receives a bonus to efficiency equal to the heros level in percent.

Efficiency Examples:

  • 90% ; enemy unit is *1.1 tougher to beat
  • 85% ; enemy unit is *17 tougher to beat
  • 80% ; enemy unit is *25 tougher to beat
  • 75% ; enemy unit is *1.33 tougher to beat
  • 70% ; enemy unit is *1.43 tougher to beat
  • 60% ; enemy unit is *1.66 tougher to beat
  • 55% ; enemy unit is *1.8 tougher to beat
  • 50% ; enemy unit is *2 tougher to beat
  • 40% ; enemy unit is *2.5 tougher to beat
  • 30% ; enemy unit is *3.33 tougher to beat
  • 25% ; enemy unit is *4 tougher to beat
  • 20% ; enemy unit is *5 tougher to beat
  • 15% ; enemy unit is *6.67 tougher to beat
  • 10% ; enemy unit is *10 tougher to beat
  • 0% ; no dmg is done.

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