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Magic Power

also known as Mana, MP and m.p.

- (basic) MP Generation is based on the number of Nodes and the amount of land you have (Based on % of land that is comprised of nodes - this % includes wilderness) - (basic) MP Capacity is based on the number of nodes you have, 1,000 mana per node. - (basic) "Current MP" can never be negative, lowest it can go is 0. - "Hidden MP Upkeep" is a mana upkeep which reduces your mana generation, while "MP Upkeep" is upkeep which appears under one of the "upkeeps" in your status report. (Some sources of hidden MP upkeep: Devil Prince, THL, and some Uniques) - Mana Crystal: Generates MP for your kingdom (random amount). - Mana Vortex: Destroys MP in target kingdom (random amount). - Earthquake: Destroys some of targets MP, as well as a LOT of your own. - Mana Charging: Generates MP based on your "Income"

Other pages on basic resources: turns, MP, geld