Grand Enchanter

Barrier Proficiency |
Grand Enchanter |
Legendary Commander |
Augment Summoning |
Grand Conqueror
Skill Description
This skill will increase the effectiveness of all enchantments, both offensive and defensive. Higher levels give a bigger boost. Well-trained Enchanters can also cast in less turns.
- Level 1-5 : increases SL of all such enchantments by 2 per level.
- Level 6-10 : increases SL of all such enchantments by 4 per level.
- Level 11-15 : increases SL of all such enchantments by 6 per level.
- Level 16-20 : increases SL of all such enchantments by 8 per level.
- Only effects the spell level of Enchantments, not battle or summon spells!
- Increasing the rank of the skill: All enchants with lower spell level will have their spell level updated to the current spell level. This is also the case if you had Magic favour.
For example (Arch Server May 17, 2011), red WS was 449. Got Magic making SL 469, then GE 1 which changed red WS to 471.
- Level 10+ : All enchantments take 1 turn less to cast (with a minimum of 1)
- Level 20 : All enchantments take 2 turns less to cast (with a minimum of 1)
Level by Level Effect
- L1 : Enchantments get + 2 SL
- L2 : Enchantments get + 4 SL
- L3 : Enchantments get + 6 SL
- L4 : Enchantments get + 8 SL
- L5 : Enchantments get + 10 SL
- L6 : Enchantments get + 14 SL
- L7 : Enchantments get + 18 SL
- L8 : Enchantments get + 22 SL
- L9 : Enchantments get + 26 SL
- L10: Enchantments get + 30 SL, All enchantments take 1 turn less to cast
- L11: Enchantments get + 36 SL
- L12: Enchantments get + 42 SL
- L13: Enchantments get + 48 SL
- L14: Enchantments get + 54 SL
- L15: Enchantments get + 60 SL
- L16: Enchantments get + 68 SL
- L17: Enchantments get + 76 SL
- L18: Enchantments get + 84 SL
- L19: Enchantments get + 92 SL
- L20: Enchantments get + 100 SL, All enchantments take 2 turns less to cast
I just tested having a lvl 777 spell from a God on me and leveling Grand Enchanter, which was rumored to raise all current spells to lvl 777. That is false. My other spells raised with the normal value and the Godspell went untouched.--Paven 13:07, 17 June 2008 (CEST)