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The Shieldmaidens are comprised of those women who have lost their mates in battle, and grown tired of watching the endless slaughter of war. Knowing they cannot stop the wars of the great mages, they themselves have taken up arms in an effort to prevent as much bloodshed as possible. When leading armies they organize troops defensive formations. Some maidens know basic priesterly magic and can heal wounded on the battlefield.

Hero Statistics
Profession Shieldmaiden
Magic Speciality Ascendant
Race Human
Attributes Mercenary
Gender Female
Attack Power 6000 + 3000*level
Attack Type Melee
Counter Attack 3000 + 1500*level
Hit Points 4000 + 2000*level
Upkeep Cost -5000 + 2500*level gold 5 + 2.5*level m.p.
Abilities Rally (9) Healing (14)
Re PLAIN.jpg


  • Increases HP of all your units by 2% + 1%/lvl.


It resurrects 2% + 1% per level; However it always rounds down the number of units resurrected instead of rounding up.

Example: 93 Nymphs are slain during battle. With level 4 healing, 5 Nymphs would resurrected from death. Actual number is 5.58, but it rounds down.

So it only resurrects a full whole number of units. I.e., at lvl 1 (3%) of Healing, you need to lose 34 of a unit to gain one back. Which is why it's not often seen resurrecting ultimates.


Shieldmaiden is a Human, Ascendant hero and thus can lead Knights, Knight Templars, Crusaders, Paladins, Preachers, High Priests and give them an efficiency

bonus.  She has a melee attack and is fairly expensive to maintain.  She is very popular as a defensive hero. In practice they are usually found leading Knight Templars, as they are the only decent Human barracks unit.

Be careful not to have Shieldmaidens lead preachers from Love and Peace.

High level Shieldmaidens combo fairly well with Priestesses and white healing magic/items.

Outdated Information

Shieldmaidens used to gain Tactics ability at level ? (I think 16). This was removed for balance reasons.