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The Illusionist's skill is in tricks of the mind, and perception. Undoubtedly the most mischievous of any of the wizard classes, the illusionist can weave powerful psychic spells causing serious brain damage, while protecting his allies from such attacks. Powerful illusionists can even create huge monsters to appear right before your very eyes.

Magic Speciality: Icon PHANTASM.gif
Attribute: MERCENARY
Gender: MALE
Attack Power: 5000 + 2500*level
Counter Attack: -
Hitpoints: 1600 + 800*level
Upkeep Costs: 50 + 5*level m.p. 1000 + 1000*level gold
Abilities: Mind Blast (9), Mind Shield (14), Illusion (18)

The Illusionist doesn't have all that much going for it at low levels. They have low health, relatively low attack and don't have many abilities. Their Mind Shield protects against only a small number of psychic units, who besides Mind Rippers and Unholy Reavers, simply aren't that powerful or common. Their Mind Blast power does relatively little damage and can be resisted. They do have the benefit of being rather cheap, however. If they are leading a group of Mind Rippers they will also give it an efficiency bonus.

At higher levels, the Illusionist becomes extremely powerful and could be a truly potent weapon. At lvl 20, it can create an extra 15 Dominions or 12 Titans for instance. This can be especially deadly at lower ranks and for catfishers (people who purposefully stay low in net power to try and kill targets who are injured) where such a boost in net power could be a large percentage increase.