Beta:Missile shield
Using this item creates an invisible force field around your army which slows down all ranged attacks, making them cause less damage upon impact.
Item Details | ||
Name | Missile shield | |
Attribute | Lesser Oneuse Battle |
Charge turn | 0 |
Servers |
Blitz |
Guildwar |
Lightning |
Arch |
Solo |
Beta |
Increases RANGED Resistance of ALL friendly units by 50%
- This resistance modification is made BEFORE resistance averaging
- This resistance modification cannot bring a resistance over 100%. Therefore if a unit already has a very high Ranged resistance, this item will not benefit much.
This item used to increase resistance against MISSILE attacks as well. This is no longer the case; however, so few units have a Missile attack type, that the removal of this effect doesn't make much of a difference.