Beta Server
Beta Server
This is The Reincarnation's server for live testing changes to the game-code.
Turn Rate: 1 per minute, 800 max turns
Guilds allowed (max 5 members).
No Guild Alliances / No Guild NAPs
Server Status: Active
The following types of developments are tested out on the beta server first.
- Nerfed spells, units, items for balance issues
- Changed game mechanics
- Changed coding to speed up page display, database-actions, avoid server lag during the rush hour at armageddon
- Changed graphics to speed up day-to-day play
- Changed interfaces for the game-admins and developers themselves
- New features
- New spells, items, units
Current Beta Features
- Increased exploring rate similar to Lightning Server.
- 12 Hour Damaged Status
- 24 Hour God Favor
- Individual NAPs disabled.
- Guild Supremacy
- Lucky Cauldron
- Skill Training (Similar to devoting turns to double the speed of Researching)
Conflagration enabled,
Inferno disabled.
Battle Chant lures ~100-1000 goblins to your army per turn. Oncolor only.
Contract of the Soul similar to Lightning Server: Devils last 13 hours. Devil Prince lasts 36 hours.
White Knight's Honor ability is replaced by Inspire and generates Preachers instead of Knights (due to the lack of Spawning Hatchery.)
Gate disabled.
- Unit Disabled:
- Several Flying Units' Power Rank Reduced:
When a regular server resets, those changes that succesfully passed beta-testing are ported to the main server.