The Alchemist has the ability Alchemy that:
- Increases geld income by 6% + 3%/lvl.
- Reduces MP income by 1%/lvl.
- lvl = (level of hero) - (start level of ability = 9)
- e.g. level 11 Alchemist has 6% + 2x3% = +12% geld increase, and 3% reduced mana production + the hero upkeep.
Alchemists, like most non-battle heroes, only start to pay off at higher levels. At low levels, they cost a LOT of m.p. and gain only a little geld. An alchemist "drains mana" in the way that you generate less mana (if you want to test how much, disable the alchemy skill, check your status report for your base manaincome, put the alchemy skill back on and check it again. You'll see a difference).