Call Sirens

| Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells |
This spell will summon seductive sirenes from the rocks overlooking shallow oceans. These insidious creatures will sing bewitching songs to enemy troops to lure them to their destruction.
Spell Statistics | |
Name | Call Sirens |
Magic Speciality | Phantasm |
Rank | Average |
Attributes | Instant/Summon, Selfonly |
Cast Turn | 3 |
Cast M.P. | 24,500 |
Research Cost | 2,100 |
Upkeep Cost | none |
Servers |
Blitz |
Guildwar |
Lightning |
Arch |
Solo |
Beta |
Related Unit | Siren |
- Summons Sirens into your army.