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Eradication Units |
Verdant Units |
Ascendant Units |
Phantasm Units |
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Plain Units
Note: All unit upkeeps listed are from the most recently updated (newest reset) Ultimate Servers (Guild or Solo).
Please check Arch Server values from the in game server encyclopedia or multiply M.P. upkeeps by two
Sylphs are beautiful, humanoid women with wings like dragonflies. Their translucent wings are four feet long, their long hair blue or green. Their voices are extremely musical. They are related to the elemental plane of air. They do not fight, but their magical nature allows them to use magic to ward off intruders. Since all sylphs are female, they must seek out human males in order to mate.
Other Statistics
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Sylphs have the potential to be mono-stacked at all power levels due to their flying/beauty/swift and blue's ability to use powerful single-target enchants such Lovesick/Double Time/Phase Step, etc. Though their lack of spell resists and vulnerability to ultimates remains a liability.
Their offense is not especially good, but it is Magic, so it's fairly consistent and it won't trigger the Fireburst of Phoenix, which could potentially decimate them.