Summon Nymph

| Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells |
This spell will call a number of water spirits, nymphs, from their lakes to come to your side in battle. The highly magical nymphs are terrific warriors and cast their own magical influence over enemies. Although they appear as incredibly beautiful women, they posses magic of great power and often use it with great cruelty against their enemies.
Spell Statistics | |
Name | Summon Nymph |
Magic Speciality | Verdant |
Rank | Average |
Attributes | Instant/Summon, Selfonly |
Cast Turn | 2 |
Cast M.P. | 7,900 |
Research Cost | 1,400 |
Upkeep Cost | none |
Servers |
Blitz |
Guildwar |
Lightning |
Arch |
Solo |
Beta |
Related Unit | Nymph |
- Summons Nymphs into your army
- Blue: 1700-2400 @ SL624