Fire Elementalist

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Flinging fire and destruction in their path, the wizard wields incredible magical power, able to decimate an army with nothing more than a few words. The wizard draws their power from the fire element, which is one of the element of the nature itself.
(encyclopedia description)

Magic Speciality: Icon ERADICATION.gif
Attribute: MERCENARY
Gender: MALE
Attack Power: 6000 + 3000*level
Attack Type: FIRE MAGIC
Counter Attack: -
Hitpoints: 1600 + 800*level
Upkeep Costs: 50 + 5*level m.p. 1000 + 100*level gold
Abilities: Arcfire (9), Firestorm (16)


The Fire Elementalist has mediocre HP and attack; however, its spells is where it really shines. Arcfire will heavily damage one random enemy stack, while at high levels of experience, Firestorm does modest damage to each enemy stack. At a high level, a Fire Elementalist can take away four or five ultimates with Firestorm, and if Arcfire happens to hits the stack of ultimates, even more. This makes the task of whittling away 10% of your enemy's power considerably easier.

  • The spells of the Fire Elementalist are of Eradication magic and do FIRE damage.
    • Arcfire, when passing resistance of a unit, will do 80k FIRE damage per LVL, starting at 9.
    • Firestorm, when passing resistance of a unit, will do 40k FIRE damage per LVL, starting at 16.
  • Units with resistance to Eradication magic, have a chance to resist the spell
    • The enchantment Resist Elements gives resitance to Eradication magic, helping to block the hero spells.
  • Units with resistance to attack type FIRE will suffer less from Arcfire and Firestorm.

Ultimate units typically have proper resistance against specialities. Therefore, the Fire Elementalist' chances of hurting ultimates with Arcfire or Firestorm are low. Fodder stacks are decently cleaned by the Fire Elementalist. Average and Complex units also take a fair amount of casualties. Units with a Weakness to FIRE, such as Icon PHANTASM.gif Ice Elemental and several Icon VERDANT.gif Verdancy units suffer the most from Fire Elementalist.

As another point, units in general that have pre-attack spells, such as Fire Elementalist, are very valuable as their damage is pure spell. 80K damage might seem small compared to a stack of even complex units, but remember that stack has to face Accuracy (30% for regular 20% for siege), Efficiency, Random modifier (20%-80%) and then the enemy's resist to that damage type.

Protecting your hero

The Fire Elementalist is a Icon ERADICATION.gif hero of race Elementals. This means he will preferentially lead Fire Elementals, Efreeti and Salamanders, enhancing their efficiency. Since Efreeti are difficult to stack wipe, your high level fire elementalist is best hid leading this unit, stacked behind your topstacks.