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Eradication Units |
Verdant Units |
Ascendant Units |
Phantasm Units |
Nether Units |
Plain Units
Note: All unit upkeeps listed are from the most recently updated (newest reset) Ultimate Servers (Guild or Solo).
Please check Arch Server values from the in game server encyclopedia or multiply M.P. upkeeps by two
Dominions are angels of the fourth rank, grand lords of the divine kingdom that preside over and regulate the lesser celestial beings. They appear much as archangels, only larger, wielding magnificent, incandescent greatswords with distinctive spheres of light grafted to their pommels. Dominions radiate a resplendent golden aura of holiness, and are the spokespersons of the ultimate God. They are the punishers and the terminators; their power is invincible.
Other Statistics
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Raw Stat Analysis:
Dominions are significantly more geared towards offense than Archangels. Their offense/power is 11.5, putting them on par with many other heavier hitters. In return they are also weaker on defense per pound compared to the AA's, their hp/power a measly 2.05, and their resists not much higher than that of AAs. They have no defensive holes like the AA, so are a better match against Red Dragons, Chimeras and the like.