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Eradication Units |
Verdant Units |
Ascendant Units |
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Plain Units
Note: All unit upkeeps listed are from the most recently updated (newest reset) Ultimate Servers (Guild or Solo).
Please check Arch Server values from the in game server encyclopedia or multiply M.P. upkeeps by two
Perverting the chivalric code of the Knights of the Ascendant Order, these demons adopt many of the characteristics of their counterparts, such as wearing armor, using weapons, and following their lords with utmost loyalty, though, being demons, they have added their own evil twists to their design. The knightly armor they wear bears dark runes that grant them high resistances to certain types of damage. Their weapons are tipped in poison, but they prefer to cast cold magic from a distance.
Their masters, the rulers of Hell, undoubtedly have far more devious intentions than the Ascendant Archmages. Whenever the forces of light face the Demon Knights, they gaze upon the Looking Glass darkly, seeing a twisted mockery of everything they represent. Jailed within the Spire of Lost Souls for thousands of years, Demon Knights used the opportunity to plan the greatest war campaign ever: the complete conversion of Terra to become an outpost for their war against the heavens.
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