Beginner's Guide to TR
Placeholder (This will be a guide for the 'first time ever playing' player, geared more towards orienting the player to the raw basics, and also direct them to some fairly common practices among veteran mages - that many take for granted and don't think to comment on)
[hide]- 1 About The Reincarnation
- 2 Magic Specialties
- 3 Starting a Mage
- 4 Staying Alive
- 5 Growing Stronger
- 6 Tricks of the Trade
- 7 Commonly misreported bugs
- 8 Detailed Kingdom Navigation
- 9 Common Terminology
About The Reincarnation
The Reincarnation is a MMORPG that is entirely browser based. The game requires no special downloads or other accessories to play, and is free for all who wish to play it. In The Reincarnation your role is that of a great archmage in command of a massive kingdom, and equally massive armies. The goal of the game is to become one of the most powerful mages on the server by finishing the reset in the "Top 10" players on the server to achieve a spot in the "Hall of Fame", but there are many other facets to the game that may bring you greater enjoyment depending on the games you like to play.
You can war, play the market, achieve high ranks, or even in some situations - destroy the world itself (which will also grant you a coveted spot in the "hall of fame" as a destroyer of Terra). Every cycle of the world lasts approximately 3 months without player intervention, these cycles are referred to as "resets", and allow you to start anew each reset, with the slate cleared.
There are 4 'servers' currently for The Reincarnation:
- Apprentice: Apprentice, despite its name, is no easier than any other server. The name comes from the fact that the mage you take control of is that in the role of an apprentice level archmage, unable to learn ultimate spells. This server is also home to the guild "Apprentice Academy" which welcomes new mages to teach them the fundamentals of the game. Apprentice generates 1 turn every 15 minutes, a mage can store up to 150 turns on this server.
- Server Guild: Server Guild is the slower of the two "Ultimate" servers, where you play a mage that is able to learn their ultimate magicks. This server has several guilds that welcome new players, these guilds usually advertise this on the UBB prior to the start of the reset though. Server Guild generates 1 turn every 10 minutes, a mage can store up to 180 turns on this server.
- Blitz Guild: Blitz Guild is the fastest of the servers, and like server guild, you can learn your ultimate spells here. This server has a very erratic guild base, with many guilds lasting only a few resets, there are a number of guilds that are constants just not as many as on server guild. Blitz Guild generates 1 turn every 5 minutes, a mage can store up to 200 turns on this server.
- Beta: Beta is a server designed for testing new features and changes, but requires you to log into your forum account to play. This server is often used as practice grounds as well for players, so therefore the politics are a lot looser, and people tend to break the 'norms' more (however they still aren't very forgiving about it happening against them). This server runs at the same speed as Blitz Guild with 1 turn every 5 minutes, and a limit of 200 turns stored.
Magic Specialties
A mage's "Specialty" determines the spells he/she can research, the units they can recruit, and the potency of a variety of spells. There are 5 specialties, as described below.
Ascendant is the color of the heavens, with powerful units representing those that serve the forces of good, such as Angels, Unicorns, and Astral Spirits. Ascendant is commonly played in a very defensive manner, but has the ability to deal out some damage in its own right (albeit not as much as the other colors). This color is very good for new players because it relies primarily on Mana and Geld to sustain itself, and has a fairly balanced array of units and spells. Ascendant is represented by the white symbol: . Ascendant is adjascent to Phantasm and Verdant allowing it decent access to their units and spells, while it is opposing to Nether and Eradication making their units less available.
Verdant is the color of nature, showing both its resiliance and its power. Verdant uses primarily nature based units such as treefolk, elves, and animals. Verdant is played in a variety of styles, and can be extremely damaging or extremely defensive. Like Ascendant, this speciality is very good for new players because it relies heavily on mana, and a moderately on geld. Verdant is represented by the green symbol: . Verdant is adjascent to Ascendant and Eradication allowing it decent access to their units and spells, while it is opposing to Nether and Phantasm making their units and spells less available.
Eradication is the color of destruction, based around many extremely dangerous units and spells. Eradication uses powerful dragons, elementals, and reptiles as its army. Eradication is played in a usually aggressive style, relying on their offensive power to overcome all obstacles, which is much riskier but more rewarding. This specialty can be ok for new players, but relies on population eating units to an extent - which is difficult for many new players to manage. Eradication is represented by the red symbol: . Red is adjascent to Nether and Verdant allowing it decent access to their units and spells, while it is opposing to Ascendant and Phantasm making their spells less available.
Nether is the color of the damned, with powerful units coming from both the grave and hell itself, such as demons and undead. Nether is commonly associated with "Power at a cost", and many of its common playstyles reflect this. Nether commonly sets itself up to be strong against a certain set of colors, which in turn exposes it more to other colors. Nether also has a painfully strong spell, that comes with an equally painful cost, Contract of the Soul. Nether is one of the worst for new players, because it relies heavily on population and mana, with population being fairly difficult to manage compared to other resources. Nether is represented by the black symbol: . Black is adjascent to Eradication and Phantasm allowing it decent access to their units and spells, while it is opposing to Ascendant and Verdant making their spells less available.
Phantasm is the color of illusion, with powerful magical and psychic units at its disposal, as well as powerful elementals. Phantasm is a tricky color to play because of its great variety of choices, and ability to research more spells than any other color. Phantasm can be played defensively or offensively, and is very capable in both fields. Phantasm is not usually recommended to new players because of this trickiness, phantasm however tends to rely on a fairly nice mix of resources depending on play style, and can be heavy mana, heavy geld, and/or heavy population to shift its weighting strategically. Phantasm is represented by the blue symbol: . Blue is adjascent to Nether and Ascendant, and opposing to Verdant and Eradication, and despite having better and reliable access to Nether and Ascendant spells and units, it can still utilize some of the more powerful units of Eradication and Verdant.
Starting a Mage
(January 2007 procedure)
To start a mage, first you need to create an account. You will use the same account both on the forum (UBB) as well as to play one mage on each server
- You need to choose a name for the forum (one you like to use a long time)
- You need to provide a working email adress and click a link in an email to activate your account.
- You can change the password to something you can remember.
Thereafter, you can start your mage on each server (one mage per server only, and you are not allowed to make many forum accounts to play many mages).
- You need to choose a magename (different from your account name if you want to stay anonymous to other players).
- You need to choose a colour (or choose Random).
Now starting a mage isn't too complicated, but there are ways you can make the game work more in your favor, the beginning of this is learning the basic mechanics of keeping your kingdom running smoothly.
Build Rate (Workshops)
Build rate is based on the number of workshops you have. Basically, the more workshops you have, the faster you can build any building EXCEPT barriers (which are always 1 per turn). For those of you that want the formulae, the basic build rates (per turn) for each building are:
Farms and Barracks: ( ( Workshops / 10 ) + .1 ) * 2
Workshops: ( Workshops / 10 ) + .1
Guilds: ( ( Workshops / 10 ) + .1 ) / 2
Towns and Nodes: ( ( Workshops / 10 ) + .1 ) / 3
Fortresses: ( ( Workshops / 10 ) + .1 ) / 30
Barriers: 1
Income is essential to maintaining a kingdom of any size, and to manage your income you have to first know how it is generated, that's what this section is for.
Geld Income (Towns, Farms)
Basic geld income is based on 2 factors: 1) Your current population and 2) Your percentage of land as towns. The higher either, or both, of these are, the higher your geld income is (% towns improves 'geld per population', population improves the number of people generating geld) Geld income can be further enhanced by gods and heroes, net income can be improved by spells and heroes. There is no limit on the amount of geld you can store. You can generate additional income with the 'gelding' screen (gelding generates geld based on your current geld income - essentially doubling your geld income for a turn).
Mana Income (Nodes)
Mana income is based entirely on your nodes and the percentage of land they occupy. Nodes generate X amount of mana per node based on the percent of land as nodes. Higher percents of land as nodes, return less mana per node. The cutoffs are at the ".99%s" - in other words 29.99% will usually generate more mana than 30% of land as nodes. Mana is a capped resource, limited by the number of nodes you possess (each node can store 1,000 mana). You can generate additional mana income with the 'm.p. charge' screen (charging generates mana based on your current mana income - essentially doubling your mana income for a turn). Careful when M.P. Charging large amounts of turns or near maximum storage if you have a negative "Net Income", M.P. Charging occurs BEFORE turns are taken and therefore you can reach 'maximum' and then you would lose it in the following turns.
Population Income
Population Income is based on your current population and how close it is to your maximum population. Usually your population income will be 1.5%+50 of your current population (example: 100,000 current population will usually generate 1550 population, where as 100 population would only generate 51 population). This number decreases as you near your maximum population (reducing to 0). Population income can also be effected by spells and gods. There is no function to regain population faster, however there are items that can generate population or steal it from other mages.
Research (Guilds)
Guilds increase your research rate - improving with greater numbers. It is often a good idea to research ALL spells available to you (except maybe "Armageddon" since it doesn't add "spell level" *covered later*). Many players will run 1000+ guilds while researching to speed up their research rate to a reasonable level.
Items and Spells
Spells and Items are integral parts of this game, both in battle and in the general maintainance of your mage. Lesser Items can be generated by guilds, and are randomly generated as you use turns, Items can also be purchased from the "Antique Store" in the Black Market. Spells are researched utilizing guilds to speed up the research, or can be purchased from the "Exotic Mageware" in the Black Market (you cannot posses more than 1 copy of a spell).
Skills Points are generated based on your land, and can be used to gain levels in various skills. Skills can be used to augment strengths of your specialty or cover the weaknesses. There are a wide variety of effects from skills, all which can be beneficial if used properly, but it is up to you to decide which is appropriate for you (skill descriptions can be found elsewhere on this wiki).
Staying Alive
Now that you have a mage, and are playing it, you probably want to stay alive, as suiciding shouldn't be much interest to a new mage. To stay alive you need to know both how the game determines if you're active or dead, and what to do about it - below are your 4 major areas to focus on when wanting to stay alive:
Fortresses are the core of a mage's life, without forts, you don't have a kingdom. These are the end all, be all, of a mage being alive. When you reach 0 forts, you die. Fortresses are useful beyond the fact that they're essentially your kingdom's life, they give you a variety of other bonuses as well. All the fort bonuses are related to protecting your kingdom in battles, the specifics of these will be discussed in the "Defending" section below, for now we will leave it at their importance for staying alive.
Army and "Stacking"
Armies are your protectors, without an army your land is free for the taking, and by taking your land - people can take your forts. "Stacking" is the most common term used to describe how you form your army, and what it's comprised of. For more detail on the variety of topics involving stacking look in the Understanding Stacking Guide on this wiki, it will show you the basics of stacking, as well as more advanced topics in stacking.
Barriers are your protection against spells and magical artifacts (items). While Barriers are fundamentally of less necessity to stay alive than forts, they serve a very valuable purpose in aiding you protect your forts by blocking spells/items in and out of battle. While they cannot protect you completely from spells/items, they can provide you a great resistance to them (limit: 75%), to achieve the maximum effect of barriers you need to have them covering 2.5% of your land.
Assignment allows you to control how you will defend your kingdom while you are away, by clicking on the "Assignment" link under "Magic" on the main page, you are able to assign your spells and items to trigger based on the % of net power the enemy army is compared to yours (example: Stun, Enemy over 50% - would cause you to cast the spell "Stun" when someone attacks with an army at least 50% of the size of your own army). Using the "custom" option at the bottom of the pulldown menu is often good to keep your assignment %s from being easily predictable. It is never recommended to set any item or spell to "Use Always", this will quickly drain you of resources. Another useful tool on this page is the numbers next to the items and spells in the pulldown menus on the assignment page, this tells you how many items you have remaining, and how many times you can cast the spell on defense before running out of resources, use this to your advantage so you can protect yourself through the entirity of while you're gone, rather than just at first.
Growing Stronger
As with all games, the goal in the end is to 'be the best', and prove it, this game is no different. Growing stronger, and protecting your new found strength, is the very core of reaching the goals of this game. Here are the main areas you need to look at when wanting to achieve power.
To gain power, you need to gain land, and there are only 3 ways to do this: Exploring, Spells/Items, and attacking. Beyond a certain point you will find exploring difficult to utilize, and spells/items are only a mediocre substitute, so you will have to resort to attacking. There are 2 types of attacks that will gain land: Siege and Regular. Sieges are harder to win, but return a greater amount of land, while regulars are easier to win, but return less land. There is also a third type of attack, the pillage, that won't return land but can destroy buildings, steal/kill people, steal gold, and steal items. Below you will find some of the upsides, downsides, and interesting information about each of these attacks. It is also worth noting that you should carefully choose your spell and item when attacking, because much like you can block items/spells with your barriers when defending, the enemy can do the same. (The defender's items/spells do not have to pass barriers).
- Sieges cause non-flying units that don't have the "Siege" ability to suffer a "Siege Penalty" which reduces unit accuracy signifigantly (Flying and Siege units are unaffected by this). (Battle Formula can be found in Alzorath's General FAQ in the Battle Section)
- Enemies gain a larger "Fort Bonus" (Increased Unit HP) when blocking a siege, which makes their units more durable.
- You need at least 5 units, surviving after the battle, for every acre the enemy has, to capture "Maximum land".
- If you have enough units, sieges can destroy up to 10% of the enemy's land (you gain 1/3 of this land, grand conquerer increases the portion you gain of the enemy's land that was destroyed)
- If you have enough units, sieges will destroy enemy forts, 1 of which will be added to your own.
- Sieges have a "Battle Cost" that is equal to the upkeep of ALL of your units (not just the ones that enter battle), that is paid prior to the battle.
- Regulars do not suffer from the "siege penalty", which allows your units to do their normal damage.
- Enemies gain a lesser "Fort Bonus" (Increased Unit HP) when blocking regulars, while it does improve their durability, it's not as large as the siege bonus.
- You need only 2.5 units, surviign after the battle, for every acre the enemy has, to capture "Maximum Land".
- If you have enough units, regulars can destroy up to 5% of the enemy's land (you gain 1/3 of this land, grand conquerer increases the portion you gain of the enemy's land that was destroyed)
- Regulars will only destroy forts if the forts are a large enough % of the enemy's land, regulars do not capture forts.
- Regulars have a "Battle Cost" that is equal to the upkeep of ALL of your units (not just the ones that enter battle), that is paid prior to the battle.
- Pillages are a purely 'succeed or fail' type of attack, you will either get through and succeed, or you will be blocked and do no damage.
- Pillages steal gold, population, and items, and 'burn' Farms, Towns, Workshops, and Guilds, while killing some population. Burning causes buildings to convert to wilderness, which can be rebuilt on.
- Pillages can 'burn' only up to 100 acres (and only so many of each building) (if someone has 0 guilds for example, you will not burn 100 acres).
- Pillages do not have a "Battle Cost".
- The amount of damage a pillage does is based on the total "Net Power" of the group of units sent, not the quantity.
To protect your power, you need to protect your land. Luckily you have several things to your advantage: Barriers, Fortresses, Spell/Item Assignment, and your army. You can use any, or all, of these to your advantage, and with enough practice you'll figure out the best ways to utilize each of them with your play style.
- Barriers can block spells or items (certain spells/uniques emulate barriers, except only against spell specialties)
- Strategic Advantage: By limiting the spells/items your enemies can use while attacking you (because you block them), you are able to enforce more control on the battle allowing you to defend more effectively. Most players agree it is best to either have high barriers, or have no barriers, due to the cost of upkeeping barriers (you either want maximum effect, or you want that upkeep to help you cover the loss of the effect).
- Maximum Effective barriers is 75% resistance, and this is accomplished by building up 2.5% of your land as barriers.
- Forts grant you a "Fort Bonus" when the enemy uses a "regular" or a "siege", against sieges this amount is extremely noticeable, the bonus is halved against regulars.
- Forts help you protect against pillages (Common formula used for 'reliable pillage blocking' is to keep 10 units per acre, and 1% forts - there is no 100% way to block pillages). More Forts = Less units needed to block pillages.
- Strategic Advantage: Mainly this is that they keep you alive, and more forts gives you a higher % bonus to unit life when defending.
- Maximum effective forts is 2.5% of your land as forts, this will give you the highest bonus in battle.
- Forts have a scaling upkeep (more forts = each fort costs more to keep). So do not be disturbed if you have a large number of forts, and your geld upkeep for buildings is slightly higher than you thought (Forts are the only building that does this).
Spell/Item Assignment
- Your assignment cannot be blocked on defense (although your spell can fail if you 'lose your concentration' - this often only happens with spells from other specialties).
- You can control fairly precisely how large of an army will trigger your assignment, preventing people from running you out of resources with small groups of units.
- Strategic Advantage: Your assignment is best used to either augment the strengths of your units (lots of fire units: Oil Flasks + Stun), or cover your units weaknesses (Lots of low initiative units: Ash of Invisibility). These can greatly aid your army after you learn what the various items/spells do, and what units strengths/weaknesses are.
Your Army
- The army is the core of protecting your land, it helps you protect against all forms of standard attacks (Siege, Regular, Pillage).
- Stacking is the key to protecting your land from regulars and sieges (see Understanding Stacking).
- Quantity of Units is what helps protect your land from pillages (NP doesn't matter, just so long as there's a lot of them).
Common Mistakes
There are 3 major common mistakes performed when trying to grow stronger: Losing Focus, Ignoring RoE (Rules of Engagement), and Overreacting. Below are some explanations about each of these, and how to avoid these:
Losing Focus
- Losing Focus is basically trying to be 'middle of the road' with your endeavors. If you're researching, set up to research fast. If you're attacking, set up your stack to hit hard. If you're warring, set up your country to war. Always focus on what's in front of you, and do that as best you can.
- Losing Focus on a more specific scale, can be applied to your "stacking" - never do anything halfway. Either go Highly offensive stacking, or highly defensive stacking, going too far towards the middle will just result in you doing both insufficiently. (again, read the stacking guide, as well as color specific guides to help you with this one).
- Ways to avoid Losing focus: Keep your goals in mind, if you want to be #1, be ready to attack for land, summon your army, and protect that land - because people will be trying to do the same (and you're in the way of it). Even if you fall, keep striving to be better - if you have to, read guides to get ideas (remember they're not step-by-step how-to-win manuals, but they will give you a good number of very good tips).
Ignoring Rules of Engagement
- Ignoring rules of engagement can get you into deep water with guilds, and players, alike. For more specific information on what to expect, read the "Hitlists", "Deathlists", etc. section below.
- It is always a wise idea to keep up to date on the current "good manners" trends in the game - at the writing of this guide it stands as: Check 1 Hour Chronicles (and don't hit if there's something there), Only attack someone ONCE every 24 hours, Try not to target someone EVERY day (overtargetting), and outside of battle, spells/items are a big "no no" (they are seen as an act of war). Oftentimes, people are fairly understanding if you break one of their other rules, as long as these are followed and you act somewhat polite.
- Always check descriptions, they will often reveal the rules of engagement of the player or guild, sometimes these are unreasonable, most of the time they aren't (the unreasonable ones usually don't follow through on it, 1 hit very rarely means your death heh).
- If someone hits you, or even if someone multi-attacks you - it's not the end of the world. You can retaliate as you see fit, but don't go cussing and swearing at them for it - this is a one way ticket to getting it handed back to you ten-fold (and if they report it - admin punishment can ensue if it was particularly distasteful).
- Spelling and iteming someone for hitting you once, then hitting you again 23 hours later - is a bit overdoing it, contact them or their guildleader (if they're in a guild), and discuss your recourse, if unreasonable you have to improvise though.
- Never, I repeat NEVER, carry grudges across resets, this is the quickest way to make people return the favor - and the quickest way to kill any fun you thought of having in the game. Every reset is a new reset, just like every day is a new day, you'll get enough crap without carrying extra baggage.
Guilds (the non-building kind)
Guilds are both very useful in learning (heck, playing in a guild 1-2 resets where you ask for help, will help you learn as much as you probably could in a year or two of playing solo). In lieu of guild learning though - you can ask people on the TR UBB, read the Hall of Sages or guides here, or even ask people on IRC. There are good 'newbie friendly' guilds on all the servers, and it is recommended to look for one.
Some good "new player friendly" guilds to check out (some are of renown, others may not be):
- Apprentice Academy (Apprentice Server)
- Godmode (Server Guild)
- Army of Darkness (Server Guild)
- The White Raven (Server Guild)
- Angels of the Apocalypse (Server Guild)
- Calculus for the Masses! (Server Guild)
- Kaaskoppen (Blitz Guild)
- Guild of Absolute Power® (Blitz Guild))
Guilds are also useful for more than learning, as travelling in a group is often safer than travelling alone (well, as long as they're like-minded individuals). Try out guilds until you find one that you enjoy playing alongside, it can make the game a whole lot more entertaining to develop some friendships. Now, on to the dark side of guilds...well, at least the bloody side, hitlists.
"Hitlists", "Deathlists", etc.
These are areas you want to avoid being put when dealing with any of the serious guilds, especially the heavier hitters on each server. Hitlists tend to mean that they'll just start attacking you frequently, deathlists are often spells and attacks, and beyond that it's just war. Some people mix these terms, so it's hard to say for 100% sure what you'll be dealing with when seeing these words - just suffice it to say it won't be good. Out of battle spells/items, multiattacks, overtargetting, 'onlining' (see up a few sections - this is why you check the 1 hour chronicle), are all quick ways to get on these lists. Everyone gets thrown on one at one time or another, it's expected, but if you find yourself getting on a lot of them frequently - you may want to question why. As long as it's not too grievous of an event, and you act reasonable, you can often petition to be removed from these lists (although some guilds and players - such as Russian Warriors on app, have vendettas across resets that are frowned upon by the majority of players, and while most of the guilds that do this are meager threats at best, they can be an annoyance). Watch who you make enemies with.
Tricks of the Trade
Most experienced players will often end up with at least a few 'basic' playing tricks which help with your kingdom greatly, this section is dedicated to those - and players are encouraged to add their own to this list (avoid spam please though, false or misleading information will be removed/edited as I am able to keep this section helpful).
One Turn at a Time
In many things in TR, it is beneficial to use single, or small groups, of turns at once - for both strategic and protective roles, below are some instances where you will want to use very few turns at a time to achieve the greatest effect:
- Taking Turns with Black Sabbath, Nature's Favor, Love & Peace, or The Apparatus: You will want to spend small groups of turns and disband the units you don't want to keep from these spells as you take turns, over clusters of turns you will find that if they aren't controlled your resources can be hindered from their upkeeps (keep what you plan to keep, disband the rest).
- Building Workshops: Workshop build rate is improved by building workshops, therefore it is best to build workshops 1 turn at a time to minimize the total turns used to build. Building them as a cluster only builds them at the rate you had BEFORE telling it to build them.
- Taking Turns while at war: When at war, using turns in small clusters is a matter of survival(no more than 10 usually, 20 is passable, but stretching it), use them as fast as possible, but always check for spells or items hitting your kingdom. Panicking and using too many turns at once - be it gelding, charging, or summoning - is the quickest way to dying. Stay calm, move as fast as you can, and don't panic.
Don't let your workers be lazy
- Workshops are the core of building speed, but what happens when you can build 10.50 Nodes in 1 turn - do you want them slacking off for that .5 turns when you tell them to build 10? Of course you don't, step on over to your farms or barracks and tell them to build 3 of them, in addition to your 10 nodes, and then look at the turns required: it's still 1 turn. This works for all buildings, all you have to do is learn the ratios ( 1 Fort = 10 Nodes/Towns = 15 Guilds = 30 Workshops = 60 Farms/Barracks ). Feel free to test out different combinations (for example: if you have 55 Workshops [builds workshops at 5.6 per turn], try building 5 workshops + 1 Farm ).
Don't Stack, Counter Stack
- Don't always just stack to have 'strong units', look at what's popular and then build against that. (more a strategy than a trick, but yea - important to note).
Watch for more to come! (mainly cause I don't feel like typing them all out right now lol)
Commonly misreported bugs
My Mana Income keeps changing!
- This is due to the spell "Black Sabbath" and is usually reported by new nether mages. Black Sabbath causes mana to fluctuate in a 'fixed range'.
- Gods can cast Black Sabbath, which accounts for reportings of this bug by other colors.
I built/summoned/etc. using a lot of turns, yet none got built/summoned/etc.!
- This is due to upkeep, if you aren't careful you can run out of resources - this causes your units/buildings/spells/etc. to dispell, disband, or destroy themselves.
- Best way to avoid this: watch your upkeeps and incomes, and don't run your resources to 0 or lower.
I bought a lot of units from the "Swords for Hire" section of the black market, yet they never showed!
- Swords for Hire units (Mercenaries) require population space to exist, be sure to check the population in the "Recruit Cost" section of each of the units.
- Space required for Mercenaries is "# of units * Population recruit Cost".
More will come later as I think of them...those are mainly just to get this section started...
Here is where you will find information about what each page linked to on the main menu is for, as well as pertinent information about the section.
Main Menu
The "Main Menu" is the section you originally see when you first log into your mage, on this page there are links to the majority of pages you can access while playing your mage. This is one of the two most important pages in the game, with the only more important page being your status report.
There is a plethora of information provided on the Main Page, in two sections - on the top around the symbol representing your color - is the 'quick information' surrounded by the navigation links, and below that is the 'domini renuntio'.
Quick Information
The Quick informatin provided are what are essentially the vital statistics of your kingdom.
- On the Left: Here you will find your Current and Maximum mana, your # of items, and your guild information.
- On the Right: Here you will find your Current Acres, Current Geld, Current Population, Maximum Population, and # of units, as well as basic alliance information.
- On the Top: You find your mage name, mage #, Current Rank, and Current Net Power.
Domini Renuntio
In the Domini Renuntio you will see the information about current events involving your mage, certain events are more 'sticky' to the domini than others, but this section is good for monitoring how your mage is doing as you are moving. All objects on the Domini Renuntio are listed in chronological order for the duration of their stickiness.
Objects Listed on Domini Renuntio
- Attacks/Defends - These last for 3 loads of the main menu.
- Spells/Items (even blocked) used against your kingdom - These last for 3 loads of the main menu.
- Turns taken - these last for only 1 load of the main menu.
- Heroes Leveling - these last for 3 loads of the main menu.
- Gods Most Favor/Favor/Disfavor/Hatred 'changing due to time' - these last for 3 loads of the main menu.
The throne is the term for the section located at the top center of the main menu, to get to the "Throne Page" you may click on your mage's name. All links on the "Throne Page" are present on the main menu page, located immediately below your ranking and Net Power listings.
Status Report
The Status Report is easily the most useful page in managing your kingdom, you find a whole mass of information located here, in one place, that can prove useful. The Status report is very useful in asking for help as well as it can tell, at a glance, the health and status of your kingdom as a whole - more so than any other screen in the game. When asking for overall kingdom help on a private guild forum, it's almost always best to be able to include a copy of your status report. Avoid posting it on public forums though, the information can also make it easier for people to harm your mage.
Read/Send Messages
Communications are important in-game, while IRC is the more popular option, the read/send messages option in-game is a standard that can be used to contact all mages of the server (although some admittedly just ignore it). This is also the area where you can find out how your bids on the black market are doing (it will tell you when you've received the object you bid on or when it's been outbid).
In this section you can interact with your heroes to manage them. This section is primarily used for turning hero abilities on/off and dismissing heroes. Located here you can also find the level of your heroes, their abilities, and their experience points. Use the checkboxes to set a skill on or off, and then click the execute button to set them. Careful not to dismiss one of your heroes on accident though.
The Options page allows you to change your mage's description, go into meditation, delete your mage, change the language of your interface, and even change the game skin. Most of the information is self-explanitory.
Great Council
This is the page that gives you important information regarding the game itself, such as contact information, and also links you to the "Hall of Immortals" (also known as the "Hall of Fame" - currently "out of date"), Multiaccount registration (for playing from a public computer), and the encyclopedia. The "Contact Information" is the most important information located on this page.
Interior is the area that involves many of the major functions used to manage the 'mortal' aspect of your kingdom (land, buildings, recruitment, geld, disbanding).
Exploring for Acres is one of the first things you'll do in the game, this is how you get land as a beginning mage. Later on though, exploring gets horrendously slow (as little as 0 or 1 acres per turn), and you will have to turn to attacking for your land.
Buildings determine how well your kingdom functions, they provide you with geld, population space, mana, mana storage, barrier resistance, and your very life itself (fortresses). Without buildings, your kingdom fails to function in any real capacity.
This page allows you to recruit units from your kingdom, these are often about as good as simple, and rarely average, spell cast units. Recruiting is based on the geld cost of the unit you're recruiting and the number of barracks you have (formula can be found in the stacking guide).
This page allows you to generate extra geld based on your "Geld Income", it provides you with an amount of geld equal to your current income.
This page allows you to destroy buildings, very useful for redistributing over your land as necessary - and for destroying excess forts if you have any (usually won't be a problem).
This page allows you to disband any units that aren't "Undisbandable" (you'll get a message if you try and disband an undisbandable unit).
The Diplomacy section is how you establish/break alliances with your fellow players, there are however some things to know about allinaces.
About Alliances
- If you're guilded, you can only ally other guild members.
- If you're unguilded, you can only ally other non-guilded members.
- You send reinforcements to allies, to understand what you'll send, look Here
- Reinforcements attack at reduced accuracy, and are not effected by enchantments, battle spells, battle items, etc.
- Alliances are useful for serenities as well (to get past barriers) on ulimate servers.
About Combat
Black Market
Chronicle Terra
Arena Archmage
Quest for Glory
Guilds in Terra
Guild Tools
Cast Spell
On this page you will find an entire list of the spells you learned and their casting costs, also shown here is the color specialty of the spells. You can click the links to read a spell description to better understand the effects and situations for the use of the spells. There are 2 major impactors on how successful you will be when casting a spell: First, and most important, spell level, the higher your spell level the lower your fail rates will be, and greater the effects of the spell will be (more units summoned, more damage done by a spell, greater boosts from a spell, etc.). Second, and still very important, is the specialty of the spell, this also greatly impacts the chance of failure of a spell and the potency of a spell, but the color cannot be changed or improved for you. See the beginning of this guide to see how color effects each mage specialty's casting abilities.
Use Item
MP Charge
Common Terminology
General Terms
Archmage: AM
Archspace: AS
The Reincarnation: TR
Player: Mage
No Description: ND
Unguilded: ND
Spell Level : SL
Net Power : NP
Fortresses : Forts, Fort
Barriers: Bars, Bar
Resistance: Res
Mana: MP
Life: HP
Attack Power: Damage, AP
Initiative: Init
Nether: Black
Eradication: Erad, Red
Ascendant: Asc, White
Phantasm: Phant, Blue
Verdant: Verd, Green
Apprentice Server: App
Server Guild Server: Server, Guild, S1
Blitz Guild: Blitz, BG, B2
Blitz Solo: Blitz, Solo, B3
Damaged: D, Protection, Prot
Council Protection: P, Council, Protection, Prot
Meditation: Med, M
Armageddon: Arma
Fury of God: FoG
Hall of Immortals: HoF, Hall, HoI
Time Twister: TT, Twister
Union of Honor: UoH
Hall of Sages: HoS
Banquet Hall: BH
Off-Topic: OT
Neutral Units
Archers: Arch
Cavalry : Cav
Bounty Hunter : BH
Mercenary: Merc
Renegade Wizard: RW
Trained Elephant: Elephant
Falcon: Falc
Iron Golem: IG
Ascendant Units
Knights Templar: KT
High Priest: HP
Catapults: Cata
Paladins: Pal
Pegasus/Pegasi : Peg/Pegs
Soul Speakers: SS
Astral Magicians: AM
Angels: A
Archangels: AA
Unicorns: Uni
Spirit Warrior: SW
Dominions: Doms, Dom
Ascendant Spells
Armor of Light: Armor
Blinding Flash: BF, Flash
Descent of Holy Being: Descent, Summon Dom
Heavenly Protection: HP
Holy Word: Word
Locate Artifact: LA
Love and Peace: LnP, L&P, LP
Platinum Hand of Healing: PHoH, Plat, Plat Hand, Hand
Protection from Evil: Prot, Prot from Evil, PoE
Protection from Missle: PoM
Resist Elements: Resist, RE
Resurrection: Res
Sword of Light: SoL, Sword
The Holy Light: THL, HL, Holy Light
Verdant Units
Creeping Vines: Vines, CV
Earth Elemental: EE
Elven Archer: EA
Elven Magician: EM
Faerie Dragon: FD
Griffon: Griff
Mandrake: Drake
Phoenix: Nix
Swanmay: Swan
Treant: Tree
Werebear: WB
Verdant Spells
Call Hurricane: CH
Enlarge Animal: EA, Enlarge
Eye of the Eagle: Eye
Nature's Cure: NC
Nature's Favor: NF, Favor
Nature's Lore: NL, Lore
Plant Growth: PG
Regeneration: Regen
Rust Armor: RA, Rust
Serenity: Seren
Sunray: Ray, Sun
Summon Locust Swarm: SLS
Weather Summoning: WS
Web of the Spider Woman: WotSW, WSW, Web
Eradication Units
Chimera: Chim
Dwarven Deathseeker: DD
Dwarven Elite: Elite, DE
Dwarven Warrior: DW
Efreeti: Eff, Freeti
Fire Elemental: FE
Fire Giant: FG
Hellhound: HH
Lizard men: Lizard, Lizmen, Liz
Red Dragon: RD
Salamander: Sal
Troglodyte: Trogs
Wyvern: Wyv
Eradication Spells
Battle Chant: BC
Call Lightning: CL
Chain Lightning: CL
Destroy Artifacts: DA
Flame Blade: FB
Flame Shield: FS
Giant Strength: GS, Giant
Gravity Pull: GP, Pull
Lightning Strike: Lightning
Meteor Storm: MS
Volcano Eruption: VE
Phantasm Units
Air Elementals: Air, AE
Djinni: Djinn
Ice Elementals: Ice, IE
Leviathan: Lev
Medusa: Med
Mind Ripper: MR, MF, Flayer, Ripper, Mind Flayer
Psychic Wisps: Wisps
Shadow Monster: Mirage Monster
Water Elemental: Water, WE
Phantasm Spells
Concentration: Conc
Confuse: Conf
Conjure Elemental: CE, Conjure
Double Time: DT
Feet of Hermes: Feet, Hermes, FoH
Fog Cloud: Fog
Fool's Gold: FG
Hallucination: Hallu, Hall
Invisibility: Invis
Laziness: Laz
Mental Thrash: Thrash
Mind Bar: Bar, MB
Paralyze: Para
Scrying Mirror: Scry
Steal Artifact: SA, Steal
Temporal Stasis Field: TSF
The Wall of Silence: Wall, WoS
Nether Units
Cave Troll: Troll
Dark Elf Magician: DEM
Demon Knight: DK
Fallen Angel: Fallen A, FA
Fallen Archangel: Fallen AA, FAA
Fallen Dominion: Fallen Dom, FDom
Horned Demon: HD
Orc Raider: Raider
Orcish Archer: OA
Skeleton: Skel
Succubus: Succ
Unholy Reaver: UR, Reaver
Vampire: Vamp
Wolf Raider: Raider, Wolf Rider
Zombie: Zomb
Nether Spells
Battle Lust: BL, Lust
Black Death: BD
Black Sabbath: BS, Sabbath
Blood Curse: BC, Curse
Blood Ritual: BR, Ritual
Contract of the Soul: CoS, CotS, Contract, Devil
Death and Decay: D&D, DD, DnD
Dreams of Seduction: Succubi, DoS, Dreams
Foul Water: FW
Gaze of Death: GoD, Gaze
Kiss of the Vampire: Kiss, KoV
Night of the Living Dead: NotLD, Night, NoLD
Shroud of Darkness: Shroud, SoD
Touch of Necromancy: Touch, Necromancy
Veteran: Vet
Alchemist: Alch
White Knight: WK
Amazon: Zon
Fire Elementalist: FE
Berzerker: Zerker
Dragon Knight: DK
Valkyrie: Valk
Crypt Keeper: Keeper
Devil Prince: Prince
Dread Knight: DK
Necromancer: Necro
Soul Reaper: Reaper
Shield Maiden: Maiden, SM
Hero Abilities
Wall of Thorn: WoT
Soul Devour: Devour
Dragon Rider: Rider
Lesser Items
Ash of Invisibility: Ash
Bloodstained Map: Map, BM
Book of Prophecy: BoP, Book
Brooch of Protection: BoP, Brooch
Bubble Wine: BW, Wine, Bubble
Candle of Sleeping: Candle
Capsule Monster: Capsule
Carpet of Flying: Carpet, CoF
Dozens of Silver-Tipped Arrows: Arrows, Silver Arrows
Drums of War: Drums
Figurine of Ice Queen: Figurine
Flasks of Holy Water: Flasks, Holy Flask, Holy Water
Horn of Valhalla: Horn
Javelin of Lightning Bolt: Jav, Javelin
Letters of Theive's Guild: Letters
Magical Compass: MC, Compass
Mana Crystal: MC, Crystal
Mana Vortex: Vortex
Minor Indulgence: MI
Monkey Brains: MB, Brains
Official List of Demands: List, Official List
Oil Flasks: Flasks, Oils
Ointment of Healing: Ointment
Pipes of Sewer: Pipes
Potion of Valor: PoV
Pouch of Herbs: Pouch, Herbs, PoH
Pouder Keg: Keg
Ring of Animal Command: RoAC, Ring
Rotten Food: Food
Sage Stone: Stone
Satchel of Mist: Satchel
Scroll of Protection from Fire: Scroll, Scroll of Prot, Scroll of Fire Prot
Staff of Illusion: Staff
Strange Metallic Can: SMC, Can
The Head of Medusa: HoM, Head
The Spider's Web: Web
Total Newbie Handbook: Newbie, Handbook
Treasure Chest: Chest
Treasure Map: Map
Vial of Venom: Vial, VoV, Venom
Voodoo Doll: Doll
Wine of Three Whips: Wine, W3W, WoTW
Ancient Staff of Pure Quartz: Quartz Staff
Ancient Tome: Tome
Atomic Bomb: A-Bomb
Basin of Far Seeing: Basin
Black Ankh: Ankh
Blood Knife: BK
Blue Ice: Ice
Burning Incense: Incense
Efreeti Bottle: Bottle
Egg of Time: Egg
Helm of ESP: Helm
Holy Grail: HG, Grail
Iron Golem: IG, Golem
Lipstick of Enslavement: Lipstick
Love Potion #9: Potion
Pouch of Infinite Wealth: Pouch
Sceptre of Rulership: Sceptre
Spectacles of True Seeing: Spectacles
The Altar of Blood: Altar
The Magic Mirror: Mirror
The Mirror of the Grey Witch: Mirror
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see also HalfDoneWikiStartupGuide