The Holy Light

| Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells |
Rank: Ultimate
Type: Enchantment/Self
Cost: 10 turns, 200,000 MP
Upkeep: 50 MP (decreases MP income by 12.5%? 15%? 25%?)
Data on this page needs confirmation |
- Adds HOLY to each PRIMARY attack type, if this unit HAS a MELEE attack.
- It does not matter if the MELEE attack was primary or secondary.
- Increases accuracy of ALL units by a fixed percentage.
- Gain = 0.016 (??) % * skill level (and then rounded down on percentages) (not exact)
- Ex. Lvl 421: 6% (someone please re-confirm this)
- Ex. Lvl 442: 7%
- Ex. Lvl 506: 8%
- Gain = 0.016 (??) % * skill level (and then rounded down on percentages) (not exact)
- Increases Primary AP/Counter of ALL units by a fixed percentage.
- Gain = 0.03% * spell level (and then rounded down on percentages)
- Ex. Lvl 421: 13%
- Ex. Lvl 500: 15%
- God Lvl 777: 23%
- Gain = 0.03% * spell level (and then rounded down on percentages)
- Combined with Sword of Light, THL+SoL give HOLY too ALL unit's primaries
- but Sword of Light's +42% AP Bonus is not applied to non-MELEE units.
- Decreases MP income by 15%(03/03/08).
- Upkeep is only 50 MP now (11/12/07).
- Accuracy bonus is approximately 1/2 damage bonus, may be subject to rounding
Accuracy Bonus on God THL (sl777): 12% (tested on wraiths)
..almost double of a regular THL.. whoo!