The Wall of Silence
Revision as of 23:29, 4 May 2008 by Eltaka trollbait (talk | contribs) (Added a link to the Minor Indulgence item)

| Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells |
Rank: Ancient
Type: Enchantment
Cost: 20 turns, 750,000 MP
Upkeep: 250 MP
Related item: Scroll of Insight
The Wall of Silence is an Epidemic enchantment, that passes from mage to mage in battles or pillages. The enchantment makes casting of spells very hard both for the mage it is casted on and those who try to spell him further. Casting The Wall of Silence starts of the epidemic. Most mages receive this enchantment while having battle intercourse.
- On casting, the duration of the spell is dependant on the mage's Spell Level
- When transferred in battles, the duration is copied from the infected mage.
- Simple on-color spells usually can still be casted - other spells have high chance to fail.
- goes for battle and non-battle spells, summoning spells and echantments.
- Multiple infections with The Wall of Silence do not stack,
- If you are infected while already infected, the duration stays what is was.
- The spell can be acquired using the unique item Scroll of Insight, Phantasm mages have the best chance learning it.
- Wall of Silence is NOCANCEL, meaning that to cancel the spell, you need to use mana.
- See link here for dispel tips [[1]].
- Tip : A pillage, even unsuccessful, is the cheapest way to infect an other mage on purpose.
ultimate spell Black Death is the other epidemic in Terra
ancient spell Cancellation can cure a string of The Wall of Silence infections.
- The item Minor Indulgence can cure The Wall of Silence on yourself