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Eradication Units |
Verdant Units |
Ascendant Units |
Phantasm Units |
Nether Units |
Plain Units
Note: All unit upkeeps listed are from the most recently updated (newest reset) Ultimate Servers (Guild or Solo).
Please check Arch Server values from the in game server encyclopedia or multiply M.P. upkeeps by two
Vampires are creatures of the night. They hunt at night and sleep in their coffins in the daytime. They look exactly like normal human beings, although they cast no shadows, and do not have reflections in mirrors. They move swiftly and in complete silence. Those who are bitten by a vampire will themselves turn into a vampire within a few nights. Their gaze can charm any normal human being, and their touch can drain the life energy of any creature. They hate holy symbols and garlic, and will not approach anywhere where they are present. They are especially fond of drinking the blood of virgin girls. They can take the shape of a bat or a raven. They will merely turn into gaseous form when "killed." A vampire can only truly be destroyed by exposing it to direct sunlight, immersing it in running water, or by driving a wooden stake through its heart.
Unit Statistics
Name |
Magic Speciality |
Race |
Attributes |
Summon, Undisbandable
Power Rank |
Attack Power |
Attack Type |
Magic Paralyse
Attack Initiative |
Counter Attack |
Extra Attack Power |
Extra Attack Type |
Magic Ranged
Extra Attack Initiative |
Hit Points |
Recruit Cost |
Upkeep Cost |
1.25 M.P. 5.00 Population
Abilities |
Charm, Flying, Marksmanship, Steal Life 5%, Swift, Weaken Resistance to Holy
Related Spell |
Summon Vampire
Other Statistics
Related Item |
Related Hero |