The Holy Light

| Spell Attributes | Lists of Simple, Average, Complex, Ultimate & Ancient Spells |
This enchantment spell is the advanced version of the Sword of Light spell. By sacrificing a percentage of your mana income, you gain the favor of heaven. All your melee weapons will glow in bright white light, and all your troops will fight in godly inspiration which will increase their attack power and accuracy in the battle. This enchantment is one of the most powerful Ascendant magic, and is especially effective when used together with Sword of Light spell.
Spell Statistics | |
Name | The Holy Light |
Magic Speciality | Ascendant |
Rank | Ultimate |
Attributes | Enchantment, Selfonly |
Cast Turn | 10 |
Cast M.P. | 200,000 |
Research Cost | 25,000 |
Upkeep Cost | 50 m.p. |
Servers |
Blitz |
Guildwar |
Lightning |
Arch |
Solo |
Beta |
Related Unit |
- Decreases your mana income by 20%.
The Holy Light has 3 effects :
Data on this page needs confirmation |
Adds Holy attack type
Adds HOLY to each PRIMARY attack type, if this unit is Ascendant and HAS a MELEE attack. It does not matter if the MELEE attack is primary or secondary.
Units affected :
- Crusader, Knight, Knight Templar, Pegasus, Preacher, Unicorn units are affected.
- Paladin, Spirit Warrior and Titan units aren't affected by this effect since their primary attack is already MELEE HOLY.
- Other Ascendant Units aren't affected.
Increases Accuracy
Increases accuracy of ALL Ascendant units by a fixed percentage.
Gain = 0.0155% * spell level (and then rounded down on percentages)
- Ex. Lvl 388: 6%
- Base Lvl 445: 6%
- Ex. Lvl 459: 7%
- Ex. Lvl 529: 8%
Confirmed, January Oct 8, 2011
Increases Primary Attack Power and Counter
Increases Primary Attack Power/Counter of ALL Ascendant units by a fixed percentage :
Gain = 0.0295% * spell level (and then rounded down on percentages)
- Ex. Lvl 441: 13%
- Base Lvl 445: 13%
- Ex. Lvl 476: 14%
- Ex. Lvl 511: 15%
- God Lvl 777: 22%
Confirmed Oct 8, 2011
Effects combined with Sword of Light
Combined with Sword of Light, THL+SoL give HOLY too ALL unit's primaries
- Sword of Light's +42% AP Bonus is not applied to non-MELEE units.
- Accuracy bonus is approximately 1/2 damage bonus, may be subject to rounding
Notes :
- UBB-discussion:
- Accuracy Bonus on God THL (spell level 777): 12% (tested on wraiths, needs a test and update) ..almost double of a regular THL.. whoo!