Category:Battle Spells

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Battle Spells are spells you use in a battle: you cannot cast them outside of combat. They may only be cast on regular or siege attacks - pillagers may not use spells and will not trigger the defender's spells either.

The mana of the spell casting is part of your war expense. Casting a battle spell is instantaneous, i.e. takes no turns; a battle will be 2 turns long regardless of whether or not you cast a spell.

  • Battle spells can be blocked and even reflected by large spell level differences.
  • Battle spells can be blocked by barriers and barrier-like enchantments (Mind Bar, Sunray etc.)
  • Battle spells that target enemy stacks can be resisted by the unit's spell resistance.

Pages in category "Battle Spells"

The following 155 pages are in this category, out of 155 total.