Guild Gallery
Revision as of 10:30, 20 March 2006 by (talk) (→'''MARI Blitz Guild (also known as B2)''')
List of The Reincarnation's guilds
Feel free to edit and insert a link to your guild now or in the past. Feel free to use our Blank Guild Template.
Guild Server
- Dissention
- Hungry Men
- Guardians of Knowledge
- Middle Earth (1998 - februari 2006)
- Nighthawks (2000 - feb. 2006)
- The Pen is Mighty!
- The Oppressed Guild
- Team Chuck Norris
- The Imperium
Blitz Server
- Kaaskoppen (Dec 2004 - )
- More Pressure
- Once Upon A Time (September 2005 - PRESENT)
- The Covenant
- Firmes & Hirtos (Dec 2005- )
- Intimidators of Terra
- The Jade Temple Knights(Sometime in 2001 - PRESENT)
- The Hordes of Chaos
- Hyozan
- The Fremen Warriors (Sometime in 2000 - Present)
Apprentice Server
- Apprentice Academy (Training guild, 2004 - PRESENT)
- Aldegonian Slayers
- Dead Men Walking
- Library Of Angels
- Pesky
- Rifters of Matter
- Reign of Chaos
- Ronin Assassins
- The Pen is Mighty! (2005-2005)
- The Musketeers
- Socio Political Control (R.I.P.2005)
- Guardians of the Rift
- Canine Elite Devision
Beta Server
- guildname
- guildname
MARI Server Guild (also known as S1)
- The Walking Death
- Guardians of Knowledge
- The Tarakian Guild (1998-2002)
- Pacifists?
- Legion of the Dragons (1997-2001)
- The Covenant
MARI Blitz Guild (also known as B2)
- The Empire of Excursion (1997-2004)
- Borg (2000-2001)
- The Covenant (1998-2002)
- White Tower (1998-2002)
- RWoT
- The Immortal Dragons (2000-2002)
- Divine Devils
- Unseen Empire
- Dark Pentegram Elite
- Iron Fist Protectorate
- Lords of the Realm
MARI Ager Guild (also known as A1)
- Middle Earth (1998 - februari 2006)
- Defenders of the Knights Templar of Terra
- The Multifariously Named Guild
- Legion of the White Rose
- Dark Guardians Legacy
- Lords of the Void
- The Crimson Crusade
- The Imperium (1998 - 2001)
MARI Apprentice Server (also known as App)
- Et Pluribus Unum (1999-2000)
- Ring Wraiths Avengers - RWA (?-?)
- Shaolin Temple (1998?-2005?)
- Socio Political Control
- House of Rastafari
- Library Of Angels (1999?-Present)
- The Kindred
- The Crimson Guard
- The Rabid Vikings
- The Ronin Assassins
- The Legion of the Reborn Paladin
- The Imperium
- Guardians of the Rift
- The Wearers of Red (TWoR)
MARI Beta Server
- Nighthawks (2000 - 2006)
- The Family - The Covenant (2000 - 2006)
MARI Foreign Language Servers
- Banditos
- guildname