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m (New page: --Below, when an ability is denoted as (Does Something/LVL), it does NOT mean the hero level, but the level of the skill. EXAMPLE: A level 10 Alchemist has 2 skill points in Alchemy. ...)
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Revision as of 15:02, 15 March 2008

--Below, when an ability is denoted as (Does Something/LVL), it does NOT mean the hero level, but the level of the skill. EXAMPLE: A level 10 Alchemist has 2 skill points in Alchemy. The easy way to derive the skill level is to take the level of the hero then subtract the level that you get the skill, then add one. Back to the Alchemist, Level 10 - Level 9 (Skill onset level) = 1. 1 + 1 = 2. Thus level 2 of Alchemy. Hero abilities can also be turned off by accessing the audience link from the main menu page of the game.

Alchemy (Alchemist [Human] 9):

  • Increases geld income by 6% + 3%/lvl.
  • Reduces MP income by 1%/lvl.

Animal Taming (Amazon [Animal] 12):

  • Reduces Primary and Counter AP of all enemy Animal units by 5%/lvl.

Animate Dead (Crypt Keeper [Undead] 9, Necromancer [Undead] 16):

  • Resurrects 3% + 1%/lvl of your slain undead units at the end of each battle.

Arcfire (Fire Elementalist [Elemental] 9):

  • Deals 80k/lvl FIRE damage to one random enemy stack.
  • Is an Eradication spell thus can be resisted.

Beast Master (Amazon [Animal] 14):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your Animal units by 5%/lvl.

Berserk (Berserker [Dwarf] 14):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your units by 10% + 5%/lvl.
  • Decreases HP of all your units by 3% + 3%/lvl.

Brewing (Witch [Elf] 20):

  • Generates items based on the number of guild. (Anyone know how it works?)

Building (Engineer [Human] 9):

  • Increases building rate by 6% + 3%/lvl.

Channeling (Shaman [Treefolk] 16, Crypt Keeper [Undead] 18):

  • Increases MP income by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Charisma (Bard [Sprite] 14, Warlord [Human] 16):

  • Increases recruit rate by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Chill Touch (Soul Reaper [Demon] 9, Necromancer [Undead] 9):

  • Deals 4k + 2k/lvl COLD damage to one random enemy stack.
  • Reduces Primary and Counter AP of the damaged stack by 2% + 1%/lvl.
  • This is a Nether spell and thus can be resisted.

Cursing (Witch [Elf] 9):

  • Reduces Accuracy of one random enemy stack by 2% + 1%/lv.

Demon Hunter (Vampire Hunter [Astral] 18):

  • Increases damage dealt by your units to enemy Demon units by 10% + 5%/lvl.

Dragon Rider (Dragon Knight [Dragon] 16):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your Dragon units by 5%/lvl.

Dragonslayer (White Knight [Human] 20):

  • Increases damage dealt by your units to enemy Dragon units by 10% + 5%/lvl.

Enchant Item (Enchantress [Elf] 18):

  • Generates lesser items. The generation rate is independent of the number of Guilds. Items are generated approx once every 20-40 turns at skill level 1.

Enchant Weapon (Enchantress [Elf] 14):

  • Increases Accuracy, Primary and Counter AP of one of your stacks by +5% + 1%/lvl.

Firestorm (Fire Elementalist [Elemental] 16):

  • Deals 40k/lvl FIRE damage to each enemy stack.
  • Is an Eradication spell thus can be resisted.

Healing (Priestess [Angel] 9, Shieldmaiden [Human] 14):

  • It ressurrects 2% + 1% per level. Confirmed. However it truncates the # of units healed instead of rounding up. E.g.,

93 Nymphs are slain during battle. 6 Nymphs are resurrected from death. <--This is 6.45% healed on a Healing 5 (7%) hero. 7% should have been 7 Nymphs if you rounded, because 93x.07 = 6.51.

So it only resurrects a full whole number of units. I.e., at lvl 1 (3%) of Healing, you need to lose 34 of a unit to gain one back. Which is why it's not often seen resurrecting ultimates.

Honor (White Knight [Human] 16):

  • Creates 1-9 Knight/turn at lvl 16
  • edit : 10-18 knight/turn at lvl 17

Ice Shield (Valkyrie [Elemental] 16):

  • Increases all your units' FIRE resistance by 5% + 1%/lvl.

Icicle (Valkyrie [Elemental] 14):

  • Deals 10k + 5k/lvl COLD damage to one random enemy stack. (can anyone confirm?)
  • This is a Phantasm spell and thus can be resisted.

Illusion (Illusionist [Mindripper] 18):

  • Creates a stack of illusionary units worth 200k NP/lvl.
    • The illusion stack contains the same type of units as one of your real stacks chosen at random, and can be affected by spells, items, and abilities in the same manner as real stacks.
    • The illusion stack is never commanded by a hero, and does not count towards total army power or total power loss.

Leadership (Veteran [Human] 14):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your Mercenary units by 5%/lvl.

Mind Blast (Illusionist [Mindripper] 9):

  • Deals 20k/lvl PSYCHIC damage to one random enemy stack.
  • Is a Phantasm spell thus can be resisted.

Mind Shield (Illusionist [Mindripper] 14):

  • Increases all your units' PSYCHIC resistance by 5% + 1%/lvl.

Necromancy (Necromancer [Undead] 14, Crypt Keeper [Undead] 16):

  • Reduces upkeep of your undead units by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Peace With Nature (Shepherdess [Human] 16):

  • Increases Food Production per Farm by 20 + 10/lvl

Plant Control (Shaman [Treefolk] 14):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your Treefolk Units by 5%/lvl.

Polymorph (Witch [Elf] 16):

  • Turns around 2000 enemy recruited units into frogs. (Exact numbers and formula?)

level 20 witch have kill 5000 enemy unit.The amount die is not likly by hp but by number.See my url.

see my topic the one i have tested 3 age ago http://ubb.the-reincarnation.com/viewtopic.php?p=145402&highlight=witch#145402

-this spell can be resist. -amount kill is random.there a max and min amount to be kill.

    • The created frogs temporarily join your army as an additional stack for the duration of the battle.
    • Polymorphed units are considered killed in battle and cannot be resurrected.

Rally (Shieldmaiden [Human] 9):

  • Increases HP of all your units by 3% + 1%/lvl.

Researching (Sage [Human] 9):

  • Reduces research cost of each spell by 6% + 3%/lvl.

Selfressurection (Priestess [Angel] 17):

  • If the priestess is killed in battle, she loses 1 level and resurrects (i.e. comes back to your army after about 48 hours).
    • If the priestess leave your country because of mana problem (mana crash), the hero won't come back.

Shepherding (Shepherdess [Human] 9):

  • Summons sheep into your army by 30-60/lvl per turn. On average 45/lvl.
    • Seems not to be influenced by Summon skills/modifiers.

Song (Bard [Sprite] 9):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your units by 2% + 1%/lvl.
  • Reduces Primary and Counter AP of all enemy units by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Soul Devour (Soul Reaper [Demon] 14):

  • Reduces HP, Primary and Counter AP of all enemy units by 2% + 1%/lvl.
  • Increases HP, Primary and Counter AP of all your Demon units by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Spell Lore (Sage [Human] 16):

  • Reduces casting cost of each spell by 2% + 1%/lvl.

Squirrel Dance (Summoner [Elemental] 9):

  • Summons a stack of 20k + 10k/lvl Squirrels, that will last for the duration of the battle only.
    • The squirrel stack can be affected by spells, items, and abilities in the same manner as real stacks.
    • The squirrel stack is never commanded by a hero, and does not count towards total army power or total power loss.

Summoning (Summoner [Elemental] 14):

  • Increases amount of units summoned by 3% + 3%/lvl.

Tactics (Warlord [Human] 14):

  • Increases Accuracy of all your units by + 1%/lvl.

Terror (Dread Knight [Demon] 16):

  • Reduces Accuracy of all enemy units by ???% + 1%/lvk.

Trading (Merchant [Human] 9):

  • Increase Geld Income by 20k + 20k/lvl.

Turn Undead (Vampire Hunter [Astral] 9, Priestess [Angel] 14):

  • Deals 5k + 2k/lvl HOLY damage to each enemy Undead stack. However, since Undead are weak to holy, damage is doubled.

Unholy Aura (Dread Knight [Demon] 14):

  • Increases all your units' HOLY resistance by 5% + 1%/lvl. (?)

Valor (many at level 9):

  • Increases Primary and Counter AP of all your units by 3% + 1%/lvl.

Vampire Hunter (Vampire Hunter [Astral] 16):

  • Increases damage dealt by your units to enemy Undead units by 10% + 5%/lvl.

Wall of Thorn (Shaman [Treefolk] 18):

  • Reduces initiative of one random enemy stack by 1.
  • Deals 4k + 2k/lvl POISON damage to the affected stack.
  • Is a Verdant spell thus can be resisted.

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