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Revision as of 22:22, 19 November 2007
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Unique Item Shortlist down below
A Unique Item means it is a rare item of which there is max one in the game at any time.
They are released through Treasure Map and Treasure Chest (shortly into a game round, none of them are present) and once in the game, can be sold, stolen, lost, used - but they cannot be pillaged. When no-one owns the item, it has a chance to get back in the game through Treasure Map, Treasure Chest and Black Market again. Unique items go through barriers just like non-unique items. E.g.: an Atomic Bomb can be blocked.
Possessing some Unique Items is very comparable to having an enchantment running. Other Unique Items need to be used in battle. Others are operated using Use item. Others charge and can only be used once every hundred or so turns.
- Holy Grail - There are five unique holy grails, meaning there can be FIVE items with this title in existence at a time (one of each).
- A Unique that is on the Black Market is not in the game, if you get a unique while that one is also for sale... you'll lose it soon as the selling one gets into the game. This makes Efreeti Bottle and Holy Grails stay in your possesion for a brief time only.
How to get?
There are various ways to get Unique Items:
- buy on Black Market
- get them from Treasure Map or Treasure Chest (1-2% chance each time)
- steal them with Letters of the Thieves Guild
- miscellaneous
- Holy Grails you get from Blood Stained Maps, but can also be obtained just like any other unique.
- Efreeti Bottles, Phantasm mages can get from Wish.
- No, guilds built on your land do not produce them, they only make Lesser items.
There are unfortunately also some ways to lose a Unique:
- Whenever someone successfully uses Treasure Map or Treasure Chest, and no Unique is in the empty pool, someone on Terra will lose his unique to the user, IF the previous user is in a certain NP range of the item user. If not, you get a rather shitty message saying no uniques are currently available..
- Whenever someone uses a Letters of the Thieves Guild on you, you got a 1% risk to lose the Unique.
- If you got N uniques, you got approximately N% risk to lose it. Just don't be gready that means ;-)
Unique Items
Altar of Blood |
Increases mana production by 5,000 mp Upkeep: 5,000 pop. Both upkeeps do not show on status report. |
Ancient Staff of Pure Quartz |
Reduces casting cost by 30%. |
Ancient Tome |
Instantly finishes researching current spell (even Armageddon!) Note: On beta I got this after research and got 2 skill points Note: As of Oct 2007 - got 4 skill points in beta |
Apparatus |
Summons 100 Hell Hounds, 100 Salamanders, 50 Hydra or 50 Chimera per turn. |
Archmage Strategic Guide |
Reduces chance of casting failure. |
Atomic Bomb |
Destroys 25% of target's mana, buildings forts, land (permanently), units, geld and population. Can completely annihilate someone below ~2.8k land and 20 forts. ((think buildings is 25% but units is 33%)) |
Basin of Far Seeing |
Gives information about a country like Scrying Mirror spell, is a reuseable unique (requires charging). |
Black Ankh |
Raises HOLY attack resistance by 50%. Raises ascendant magic resistance by 50%. Raise undead HP by 10% |
Blood Knife | Prevents ALL healing/resurrecting abilities (unlike Blood Curse this spell will even override Miracle) |
Blue Ice |
Reduces all units Attack Power by 30%, yours and your opponents, except for all units (both yours and your opponents) having COLD attack, which is increased by 50%. |
Book of Geology | Chance to learn Earthquake ancient spell. Assuming the mage is fully researched: high success rate for eradication mages, moderate-low success for nether/verdant mages, and very low success for ascendant/phantasm mages. If you fail to learn the spell, you lose ALL of your mana. |
Burning Incense |
Reduces spell casting failure. Reduces spell casting cost by 20% |
Chaos Ward |
Grants 50% eradication resistance to your country. |
Crimson Banner |
Increases unit's attack power by 30%, no hit point penalty. |
Crystal of Tear |
Increases Mana production by 5,000. |
Dead Sea Scroll |
Gives a Chance of learning Heavenly Protection. Researched Ascendants have a high chance of success, Researched Phantasm/Verdants have a moderate-low success, and Researched Eradication/Nether have a very low success. If you fail to learn the spell you lose ALL of your mana. |
Dragon Slayer |
Increases Attack Power by 10%. Gives high efficiency vs dragons. Reduces HP of enemy Dragons. might be wrong. My dragon hp before Dragon Slayer 151200 My dragon hp after Dragon Slayer 91200 |
Efreeti Bottle |
Gives either 2 million mana, 200 million geld or 30 items#Lesser Items. Use this (or sell it) fast because there can only be one in the game at the same time, and everytime some mage casts Wish it may shift ownership. |
Egg of Time |
Egg of Time gives 1-100 turns (or is it: 25 to 50 turns??). Don't use when you already have max turns or you won't get them. |
Excalibur |
Increases units' attack power by 25%. |
Hand of Negation |
Dispels target's enchantments regardless of barriers. Asume this item is a charged item meaning you can't use it again for 200 turns after using it. |
Hell Fire |
Gives you resistance to FIRE, increases strikes of FIRE attack type, but adds weakness to COLD. OR Doubles the Primary Attack of units which deal fire damage with any attack; Hidden upkeep: reduces mana generation by 5%. |
Helm of ESP |
Believed to increase primary attack of units with PSYCHIC attack type by 50% or 100%; bonuses will be calculated from base attack and cumulated: for example Helm ESP + Monkey Brains + Excalibur your Mind Ripper primary attack = 4000 + 4000 + 4000 +1000). |
Holy Grail |
There are five different ones in the game - 5 unique holy grails. One serves for each mage colour. So you only have use for one of the grails.
It will resurrect 15% of dead units. Hidden Upkeep: it reduces your mana production by -1000 m.p.. Notes:
Holy Hand Grenade |
Destroys one random enemy stack, via extreme amounts of HOLY damage. |
The Iron Golem |
User gains 3 acres of farmland per turn. Has a mana upkeep that increases as land increases. Don't confuse with Iron Golem, the plain unit |
Lipstick of Enslavement |
Allows you to steal an opponents male hero edit: I stole an Amazon on beta |
Love Potion #9 |
Grants a random male hero. |
Lucky Charm |
You will gain 10% resistance to each color and increased chance of casting success, item generation, and accuracy. |
Pandora's Box | Any Suggestions????? (Item description updated and is a battle item) |
Nether Parchment | Either grants the user the spell Corruption or drains all their MP. |
Orb of Protection | Covers your country in a force field that blocks out all spells and attacks. Does so by granting you Council Protection for a period of 24 hours (doesn't work on Arma)(doesn't work period). |
Pan's Flute | Decreases enemies initiative by 1. |
Pouch of Infinite Wealth | Gives 500,000 extra geld per turn. |
Protector | Adds 100% resistance against breath attack type to your units. |
Ring of Amethyst | Reduces research turns in half (only applies to your color spells). Also reduces your casting cost by 20% (Only applies to your color spells). |
Ring of Djinni Summoning | Cast Wish 6 times on the user. |
Sceptre of Rulership | Increases your units' AP and HP by 10% and increases your gold income by 10%. |
Scroll of Cancellation | Either grants the user the spell Cancelation or drains all their MP. |
Scroll of Insight | Either grants the user the spell Wall of Silence or drains all their MP. |
Skull Ring | Decreases non-undead units' HP by 25%, decreases undead units' HP by 5%, 1% pop upkeep and increases MP income by 20%. |
Soul Eater | Increases HP by 20% and AP by 40% for all demons on each side while decreasing MP income by 10%.Decreases all non Demon HP by 25% on both sides. |
Spectacles of True Seeing | Allows the owner to gain 75% resistance to Phantasm magic. |
St. Nara's Lock of Hair | Bestows Holy Word and Protection from Undead on wielder (10% resistance to all colors). |
Staff of the Archmage | Inflicts (randomly) LIGHTNING, COLD, FIRE or PSYCHIC damage in battle. |
The Magic Mirror | Summons one female heroine, this mirror has no upkeep. |
The Mirror of the Grey Witch | Reflects 33% of spells cast on you back to the caster. Hidden upkeep: decreases mana income by 5k MP per turn. |
The Sinner | Increases resistance to magic while lessening your ability to use it. It acts like Confuse over your country (believe to also increase the chance of your enemies spells failing). |
Thor's Hammer | Reduces target ground armys'AP and counter AP by 25% as well as HP by 25%. Has no effect on flying units. I believe that mana upkeep is 10%. |
Thunder Blade | Adds LIGHTNING to your units attacks (adding 50% more to Air Elem) while adding/increasing lightning resistance (only increases AP of units with lightning attack type). |
Wand of the Moon |
Inflicts (randomly) large amount of LIGHTNING, COLD, FIRE or PSYCHIC damage in battle. |
Wings of Glory |
Increases both AP and HP of Angels by 25% (white mages) and (?)10% for non-white mages. |
World Peace |
Gain 40% more geld per turn and reduces AP of you and your enemy by 5%. |
"The spell resistances are all 10% except phantasm, which was 5%. "
"Also, cursed items such as Blood Altar or Skull ring (which i had) takes 1/3 of non-nether units HP. "
Note by Alzorath:
Many of these unique item descriptions are incorrect, misrepresented, or "mixxed up". I don't know the exact numbers on all of the functions though (because I'm not a uniques guru), but I would seriously take ALL information on this page with a grain of salt when considering a unique. I only came here to fix some links, but felt I should add that. I edited a few of them...but only skipped around kind of near the places I fixed links.