Common Terminology
Can't find the abreviation? Can also try this alternative list!
AM | Archmage, original version of this type of game, developed by MARI. The Reincarnation originates from the Archmage players community. | |
App | Apprentice Server | |
Arena | Arena Archmage, the game's built in lookup tool | |
Arma | Armageddon, the final days of a reset | |
AS | Archspace, another game developed by MARI. Has had it's own reincarnation ( | |
Asc | Ascendant, a magic speciality | |
Bar | Barrier, type of building blocking enemy magic. | |
Bang | In TR slang: Coordinated wave of attacks, items, spells targetting a single mage (e.g. a guild enemy) | |
BBQ | In TR slang: An all-out attack, usually by a guild, on one or more mages. Usually includes attacks, spells and items | |
Black | Nether, a magic speciality | |
Blitz, B2 | Blitz Guild Server. Also BG or B2, terms from AM | |
Blue | Phantasm, a magic speciality | |
Catfish, Catfishing | TR-Slang for deliberately hanging out very low in the ranks, to finish off enemies that your guildmates send down to you (i.e. destroy their last forts). Ethymology: Catfish are bottom-feeding scavening freshwater fish. | |
D | Damaged status, a form of Protection is received. | |
Description | text entered by a mage on thier Options screen and viewed by other mages via arena / the rank list | |
Erad | Eradication, a magic speciality | |
FoG | Fury of God, a punishment given for multimaging freezes your account | |
Fort | Fortress | |
Geddon | Armageddon, the final days of a reset | |
Green | Verdant, a magic speciality | |
Guild | Has three meanings: 1. A group of mages who have registered their intent to coordinate as a team. A team of players. 2. A type of building in the game, associated to magic (spell research, item generation) 3. Guild Server. Also Server or S1, terms from AM | |
Hall | See 'HoF' | |
HoF | Hall of Fame, the highest ranked 10 mages at the end of arma | |
HoI | Hall of Immortals, what the HoF is actually called | |
Kena | Just... kena. (Malay for: strike! has become AM/TR IRC slang) | |
Mage | A player's account in this game, some players role play they are mages, i.e. wizard-kings. | |
Med | Meditation, entered through the Options page. | |
Moving | A mage spending turns is often described as moving. | |
MP, m.p. | Mana, Mana Points, Magic Points | |
ND | Non-Description, an unguilded mage. Comes from AM, where players showed thier guild in thier description | |
NAP | Non Agression Pact | |
NP | Net Power | |
Online | An attack while a mage is moving, usually while they are disbanded. | |
Phant | Phantasm, a magic speciality | |
Prot | Protection, Protected. Either Damage Protection, Pillage Protection or Council Protection. | |
PNAP | personal Non Aggression Pact | |
Red | Eradication, a magic speciality | |
Reset | A period of time a server runs for. | |
ROE | ROE is short for Rules of Engagement | |
Running | Has two meanings: 1. A mage spending a large number of turns is often described as running. 1. Also refers to spending turns whilst under offensive enchantments, ie_ running spells | |
SL | Spell Level | |
Snipe, Sniping | Casting offensive enchantments on a mage that is using turns, in the hope they will die. | |
Solo, B3 | Blitz Solo Server. No longer present in TR due to rampant cheating. Also B3, a term from Archmage. | |
TR | The Reincarnation, this game | |
TT | Time Twister, a punishment given for illegal coordination. | |
Verd, Ver | Verdant or Verdancy, a magic speciality | |
White | Ascendant, a magic speciality | |
Whore | In TR slang: A mage who gelds for an extended period of the reset in order to buy Unique Items, Heroes or otherwise gain a considerable advantage. | |
Whoring | In TR slang: The act of being a Whore. A valid tactic but is widely considered lame. |
Acc | Accuracy, a measure of how well a unit deals damage. | |
AP | Attack Power, the damage dealt by a unit or hero Sometimes used for Army Power (contribution of Net Power by your army). | |
Cntr | Counter, having a two usages: 1. Mages can counter to retaliate for attacks, and 2. in a battle, many units have a counter attack triggered when they receive a primary attack. | |
Fat | A mage with much land and relative small army - supposedly an easy win for a landgrab. | |
Fatigue | Fatigue, this concept causes the damage dealt by a unit to decrease with every next time it comes in action in a long battle. | |
HP | Hit Points, the life of a unit or hero | |
Init | Initiative, a factor determining the order units attack in | |
Landgrab | To attempt to quickly increase one's kingdom in terms of acres through attacks | |
Reg, regular | Regular attacks: smaller type of battle. Relative easy to win, giving relative small amount of land when won. | |
Res | Resistances, a unit's susceptibility to certain attack types and magic. | |
Siege | Has two meanings: Siege attacks: bigger type of battle. Relative hard to win, giving relative large amount of land when won. SIEGE ability granting some units better odds in Siege type battles. |
Lesser Items
(incomplete list) Ancient Staff of Pure Quartz: Quartz Staff Ancient Tome: Tome Atomic Bomb: A-Bomb Basin of Far Seeing: Basin Black Ankh: Ankh Blood Knife: BK Blue Ice: Ice Burning Incense: Incense Efreeti Bottle: Bottle Egg of Time: Egg Helm of ESP: Helm Holy Grail: HG, Grail Iron Golem: IG, Golem Lipstick of Enslavement: Lipstick Love Potion #9: Potion Pouch of Infinite Wealth: Pouch Sceptre of Rulership: Sceptre Spectacles of True Seeing: Spectacles The Altar of Blood: Altar The Magic Mirror: Mirror The Mirror of the Grey Witch: Mirror
Hero types
Alch | Alchemist | |
DK | Dragon Knight | |
DK | Dread Knight | |
FE | Fire Elementalist | |
Keeper | Crypt Keeper | |
Necro | Necromancer | |
Maiden | Shield Maiden, also SM | |
Prince | Devil Prince | |
Reaper | Soul Reaper | |
Valk | Valkyrie | |
Vet | Veteran | |
WK | White Knight | |
Zerker | Berserker | |
Zon | Amazon |
Hero Abilities
Wall of Thorn: WoT Soul Devour: Devour Dragon Rider: Rider